You Should Never Go Down That “Marketing Message One Size Fits All” Road

Do you know where your natural medicine prospects are on the level of market awareness?

It is important to Craft your persuasive message according to each level of market awareness

Get this right and you will have a consistent flow of profit.

In ascending order here are the 5 levels of market awareness and .....a brief review of how to craft a compelling marketing message;

- Is she completely unaware of the problem your product solves?

Oh this is virgin land.

Here you should create awareness about the problem and tell her how your product solves this problem.

Next up....

- Is she aware of problem but doesn’t know if there’s a solution?

Here, hit her painpoint and Introduce your product as the solution to her problem

- Is she aware of her problem and aware of solution (s) In the market?

Here you’re in a territory filled with other similar products and your prospect is starting to get skeptical.

Enlarge your promises.

Make claims, back your claims with proof to show your solution is top tier in the market

- Is she more aware of your solution and other solutions for her problem?

Here competition is getting tighter and you have to counter other similar products claims.

Find your product’s unique mechanism and market it.

Make her a promise to her problem she’s never heard before and make sure your product delivers on that promise.

- Is she completely aware of everything going on in the market?

At this stage, she has heard it all.

All of the claims, promises, benefits, mechanisms.

She has heard everything and she’s tired.

Now you have to Focus on her (your prospect’s) experience with her problem.

Get her to identify with your product i .e relating to her desired achievement.

This strategy is very powerful, it has the capacity to up your persuasion game.

And you have to connect with her experience emotionally.

An accurate understanding of prospect’s awareness level makes it very easy to create and present a marketing campaign that speaks directly to your target audience.

The secret sauce here is RESEARCH.

• Researching your audience to know their level of awareness,

• researching your product to find the big idea & unique selling proposition and,

• researching your competitors to build a more persuasive marketing message.

Most alternative health businesses ignore their competitors, which is a very deadly & costly mistake in marketing.

Hit my DM if you need help with a thorough market research on your prospects, product and competitors....

..... in craft marketing messages that is able to resonate with your prospects, STAND OUT in the market place and ultimately multiply sales by at least 30%

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