Yesterday Scotland's Daily Mail lied to its readers and pretended a staffer at US hate group, the ADF, was a UN Human Rights expert.

Here is that ADF staffer arguing that abortion is incompatible with human rights norms
Recently, other ADF staffers have been amplified by a number of well known UK based GC feminists.

I hope those UK GC feminists did not understand who and what they were promoting. But in the US GC feminists have formed alliances with the religious right.
What are we to take from this? (1) Unless you want to live in Gilead, the ADF is no friend of women. (2) These hate groups are exploiting (look at that Mail front page again) the space generated by JK Rowling's interventions. (3) Their attack on the trans community is deliberate.
They have chosen the trans community because it is the most vulnerable, and because they have found surprising allies. (4) If their transphobia takes further hold here, they will come after gay and bi men and women. And then after abortion rights.
Now is the time to stand up and be counted. I know how difficult it is to speak in this space - the attacks from the right wing bot armies, and the extraordinary behaviour of a small number of high profile bigots.

But the price to be paid for staying silent is higher.
We know this is coming - the ADF is pouring money into the UK and it is being explicitly supported by the Mail group, Spiked, Breitbart and others.

Don't forget Niemoller's warning.
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