I think a lot about how the Woke ideology is definitely deeply rooted in Marxian (not Marxist -- this is important) thought and yet is so overwhelmingly obviously super next-level bourgeois, not even meant to be comprehensible by laypeople, thus the working class. This gets dark.
You have to understand, as @MikeNayna trenchantly pointed out, that the MarxISTS want to seize the means of economic production because that's where they believe power is, but the Woke (MarxIAN, following CT and PoMo) want to seize the means of CULTURAL production.
That means that the Woke only really want high-status, influencer-type jobs, plus bureaucratic ones -- generally bourgie ones where they can influence the culture, ideology, and administrative policy of everything and bend it to their radical agenda. What about the working class?
The Woke aren't the least bit interested in working-class positions. None want to work in factories, growing or distributing food, or doing any of the real jobs that build and maintain physical infrastructure in an advanced economy, upon which they also completely depend.
Many of the Woke footsoldiers and agitators are just nihilistic and willing to tear everything apart, but many must keenly realize that their livelihoods, power, etc., depend utterly on the working class saying in their place, knowing their role, and doing their jobs.
So, they want the working class to be completely disempowered and disenfranchised, as only support for the Woke Party is acceptable, and are disinterested in their grimy, dirty jobs, so also a permanent underclass that does the bidding of their betters. This has a name: slavery.
I don't imagine that the Woke enslavement of the working class would be a particularly brutal regime in the sense of what we saw historically, particularly with African slavery in the US in the antebellum South. It would be viciously socially enforced, probably via social credit.
Nevertheless, I think a Woke slavery regime is the inevitable consequence of fully mainstreaming the ideology, where the working class (which will be made mostly white through "diversity" and "equity" initiatives) have no respect but must do their work to support the Party.
Perhaps calling it "slavery" goes too far, I'll concede, and maybe it's just something like Sovietism, but this is in many respects a distinction without a difference (particularly since the Woke already refer to the working conditions we have now as "wage slavery").
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