They are waiting for instructions from their overlords Kristie...

Besides, the #MockingBirdMedia say they’re just peaceful Sumner of Love protests so it must be true...
But I would imagine you know that or are at least aware of it...

What I don’t think they realize that your voice is infinitely more powerful...

No one islistening to [them], nor do we care about what they think. So silence = the same at this point...
Everything is a lie anyway...


The overlords flip flop between muh Russia and Trump’s a racissss more than 85% of this country cares less about.

Why, because neither are true. Not even a little...
You see, it is all about projection and accusing others for that which you yourself are guilty...

That’s the playbook, that’s the narrative...
So yea, we see right through it. It is transparent and obnoxious...

Trump is this, Trump is that and Ok signs are white supremacist...
Okay Okay Okay...

We get it, you are full of shit...
Speaking of fake racism and being full of shit...
So forgive us if their words mean nothing...

Same shit different day is all...
For example these are real quotes...
When you realize how bad it actually is it means nothing...

That drives them crazy and the narrative has to become outlandish because everything else they have been saying is a proven lie...
Remember this...
Reconcile with this...

Their words are literally meaningless...
So yea...
That about sums it up...
I mean seriously...

Take Ukraine for example and what they are trying to hide...
It’s actually ridiculous...
The funny thing is that it is all the same just a different faux outrage news cycle...
These clowns talk shit all day about our President...
Yet are literally silent when they hang out with meth addict serial killers...

Why is that...
Instead they get help from strategically placed local DA’s, get let out only to kill again...

I thought black lives matter, guess not if it is one of your super delegates 🖕🏽
Radio silence...
Radio silence...
But yea, Trump is racissss...

You people are hands down the most pathetic excuse for humans imaginable...

Condescending and arrogant, yet can’t do research because they know it would disprove the bullshit they are peddling...

Nov 4, 1983...
The only thing I would say different is how they deliberately got it wrong, why?

Yes yes, I was getting to this. Any of these shitheads ever interview Kara Young?

You would think she could really solidify that whole he’s a racist thing. I mean being a black woman and all she must have been held captive or something...
Intellectual dishonesty goes wayy beyond bias...

It is straight up fraudulent. People are going to trip out when the truth is one day revealed of the trillions of dollars looted from the American people...

But muh climate change errrr global warming errrr whatever it’s called
Numbers don’t lie but there are always lies about the numbers...

It is out there in their own words, decisions and falsification of the information presented to the world...
If you do one thing, please listen to her words...

Then take a spin through the rest of the thread...
Now that you listened to that...

Please spin through this thread. It’s not about comments (I don’t see most anyway) it’s not about likes (what does that even mean), it’s not about me, it is about the kids and what the parents are up against.
We let some chick take a fake oath of office on a cartoon sized Koran...

Then later has the audacity to say “some people did something “ 🖕🏽

Are we for-f’ing-real...

Wt actual funk man...
Like I said, Never and I mean Never Ever Forget...
At the end of the day they hate this man for loving our country because they have tried to enrich themselves and sell out the US since forever...

There is one constant, @realDonaldTrump this man 👇🏽
He could care less about color of skin as long as it is red white and blue. Not just red like the rest of these assholes...

Sorry race pimps, you lose...
Remember this guy? He wasn’t the austere scholar, I think #MockingBirdMedia referred to him as a highly regarded diplomat 😂 STFU already...
Highly regarded by who? John Kerry 🖕🏽

Don’t seem very clear hahahaha. Clown shoes, how about Clear and Present Danger? I am sure you heard that term at least once in your 900 Senate years...
How about the border scam...
I mean seriously it is fuk’n comical at this point...

Almost as comical as the squad of socialists/Marxist/Terror Squad 😂
What about the Poll’s with this guy in the lead 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

How on earth do the same people who got it so wrong in 2016 think they have any credibility left!?! It is astounding...
It’s Trumps fault haha
Fair question...
I mean Science right? 🤷🏽‍♂️ It’s either Science or not, you can’t flip flop by talking point...

For example, how many of the 96 genders were Covid ➕in the “Scientific” data released?

Your people’s existence is one ginormous oxymoron...
Seriously though...

Even tampons get confused sometimes...
Why try and reprogram what we know, understand, like, love, need, admire...

It’s just goofy af at this point...
Okay 👌🏽 where should we go next haha
Let’s circle back to the beginning for a hot minute.

I am going to write this slow to make sure I understand the riddle.

At a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest, a white guy (Antifa), stabs a Black guy because of why again? George Floyd? Sounds legit
Wait a f’ing minute...

Not only is this shitbag Antifa but also a convicted pedophile. You gots to be joking @SpaceForceUSA_
Never mind I retract my entire thread...

Jerry’s Kids told @fleccas it’s a MYTH!

Sorry Black Rebel, according to Jer you didn’t get stabbed by a white Antifa pedophile 🤷🏽‍♂️
Wait wut, speaking of MYTH’s, where is your mask there Jerrald!?!

It’s understandable, prolly got a little winded wrestling with that bad boy. Carry on 😂
Shits rough, we know...
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