🃏Are you really doing your best?

👍Good news: you have a ton of options, energy, and time.
👎 Bad news: you are still not working at your best!

If you want really squeeze at the best of your time and energy, you need to increase your productivity.

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[1min reading]
You can obtain great fast results simply adopting these 5 hints based on my experience!
Tip 1. “The early bird catches the worm”.

Block off 2 hours every morning.

❓Why? You will take advantage of your circadian rhythm tackling the toughest, high-value tasks when you have more energy and clarity.

🤔How: Don’t waste this time for calls, e-mail, social media.
Tip: 2. Enforce your attention, remove shining objects.

Switch off everything that distracts you.

❓Why? Because it will take you much longer to complete any task if you’re getting interrupted while you’re working on it.
🤔How: remove noise, move to a quiet place, put your phone in plane mode, close that door, remove everything that is not necessary from the view.
Tip: 3. Do one single thing.

Resist the urge to multitask.

❓Why? Because you need to concentrate on it (otherwise better if you don’t do the job). Do 2 tasks and you will be committed only for 50% each.
🤔How: deep focus, planning, to-do-list, concentrate social activities in specific moments.
Tip: 4. Power of visualization.

Brainstorm how you’ll own your day.

❓Why? Visualization is an excellent brain training tool. Give yourself a few minutes to think through what you’d like to accomplish.
🤔How: in the morning visualize your day for some minutes, think at the result and the steps to reach it. Do the path in your mind, will be easier to do with your foot.
Tip: 5. You are not a machine.

Give your brain some downtime so it can shine.

❓Why? You need downtime to process all the inputs you’re exposed to throughout the day. Give yourself time to pause, reflect, and let your brain possibility to classify and organize everything.
🤔How? Take frequent breaks from your focused work. Do some exercise, at least 3 times a week. Sleep enough, 6-7 hours of high-quality sleep is fundamental
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