So let's just take this shit head on--the idea that Democrats are taking away freedoms and want a socialist country.

✅freedom means giving people a choice--like when Missouri voters chose to defeat right to work, raise minimum wage, and enforce campaign finance reform.

A lack of freedom is when the Missouri government (in this case the state legislature) has repeatedly tried to overturn the will of the voters and take their choice away from them.

✅freedom means limited government interference in the daily lives of its citizens

A lack of freedom is the federal government interfering in what medication a veteran can use, it's interfering in what choices a woman can make with her doctor, it's deciding who can get married.
✅ freedom means the government doesn't enact violence on its own citizens

A lack of freedom is when federal agents police American streets assaulting its own citizens.

✅ freedom means the government doesn't interfere or play favorites in the market

A lack of freedom is when the federal government protects certain industries from liability or from competition on the market, as it does with drug companies, firearms manufacturers, and BigAg.

✅ freedom means the ability to live a peaceful life

A lack of freedom is the federal government not providing the same equity of opportunity for education, healthcare, jobs, childcare, or business to its citizens.

In America your zipcode dictates your destiny.

✅ freedom means not being discriminated against because of the color of your skin

A lack of freedom is the federal government tossing brown babies in cages and murdering black men in the streets.

✅freedom means not living in fear of your government

A lack of freedom is the federal government raiding your workplace because you have a Hispanic last name or being a veteran of the US military--watching the same country you risked your life for deport your family.

✅ freedom means having the right to non-violent protest

A lack of freedom is the President of the United States gassing his own citizens so he can stand in front of a church with a Bible he's never read.

✅ freedom means having the right to the press

A lack of freedom is the President of the United States calling the press "an enemy of the people" to try and silence investigations into his crimes.

✅ freedom means that you cannot be unreasonably searched or your property unreasonably seized

A lack of freedom is when the federal government sends men to the streets in uniforms they did not earn to accost its citizens.

✅ having freedom means you have a duty to protect it

A lack of freedom is when whistleblowers like Lt. Col. Vindman stood up to do their sworn duty, the President of the United States had him forcibly removed from the White House.

✅ True freedom means that it's accessible to everyone.

A lack of freedom is when it's accessible only to some--then it's not freedom, it's control.
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