Hitler claimed that "anarchists and communists" were the source of "disorder" in the Reich, and suspended in 1933, among other rights, the right of assembly *for all Germans.*
Today, Trump is blaming anarchists and in effect suspending the right of assembly through terror.
Once all the "anarchists" and "communists" and "socialists" were arrested and in camps, the right of assembly wasn't restored. It was gone forever, until the Red Army and the Allies smashed, temporarily as it turned out, fascism.
Dachau, the first concentration camp, was set up for political opposition. It contained not only communists, socialists, and social-democrats, but also liberals -- the exact same sort of people as Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. The people who resisted nothing were sent anyway.
In sum, once the anti-fascists were gone, everyone else who could *possibly object* to a regime based on terror and propaganda, a regime based on nothing except brutality and war, those people were also sent to the camps.
So who is #Antifa fighting for?
We're fighting for you. Whether you agree with us or not, whether you like us or not, whether you understand what is happening in the world or not.
Pray that we win. Because if we don't, they're coming for you next.
Next target for the fascists: Arrests of elected political leaders.
How long will it take for Americans to recognize fascism when it's staring them dead in the face? https://twitter.com/revrrlewis/status/1287408409357295617?s=20
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