Field geologist here: the idea that every single person must go into the field and learn field mapping is complete and utter nonsense. Yes, there is value to field work and field trips and field mapping, but a vast majority of geology is done on a computer or in a lab.
So if we really want to be educating people for the work force, then why are we insisting on such archaic ideas about what geology is? We should be teaching them more computer skills like GIS and modeling. Or training in the use of analytical equipment beyond a petro microscope
And we need to stop pretending that everyone is going to be mapping for their job. I’m a field mapper and I can tell you, it’s near impossible to find a job doing field mapping. So I’ve ended up teaching or doing SEM work or working in exploration where I mostly logged core
To be clear, I’m not saying to get rid of field work completely. I think it’s an important part of learning geology, but not every single geology major needs to do the field work as long as they understand the concepts.
Oh and I went to an undergrad that didn’t have a field camp (we did weekend field trips instead). When I got to grad school, my field skills were on par with the other grad students who went to field camp.
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