A new thread focusing on far-right subcultures and their ostentatious imagery among foreign armed actors involved in #Muslim-majority areas. One of the most notable examples is the so-called #Crusader subculture noted among U.S. Marines deployed in #Iraq and #Afghanistan.
A worrisome trend popular among a growing amount of U.S. armed troops is the intentional and ostentatious wear of anti-Muslim iconography and symbols with references to the Crusades and the Knights Templar. This has been noted by Foreign Policy (excerpt below) and others.
The "Pork Eating Crusader" patch mentioned above is one of the more popular patches used, referring to the prohibition of consuming pork in #Islam. The patch features both English as #Arabic, so there will be no confusion among the intended audience.
A red St. George's Cross on a white background, historically associated with the Knights Templar, appears to be used as well. This patch worn by a U.S. SOF in Afghanistan reads: "Militum Christi", or Soldiers of #Christ, a reference to the Knights Templar's seal.
An Australian 2nd Commando Regiment SOF deployed in Afghanistan wearing a red St. George's Cross on a white background patch as well.
The prevalence of provocative tattoos among US forces should also be noted as well, both in Arabic as in English. A US Army 10th Mountain Division soldier in #Wardak Province proudly shows the #Arabic word kāfir (كافر), or infidel (1). A #USMC has one on his arm as well (2).
A U.S. Army 3rd infantry division soldier (as can be seen on his hat) has the "infidel tattoo" inked on his chest, clearly not bothered with showing it around.
Research done by James E. Parco, PhD, in 2013 found that religious framing of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars was further enabled by both the president George #Bush's announcement of the #Iraq Invasion and the use of Biblical imagery and texts on official government documents.
Air Force Major General Glen Shaffer, the Director of Intelligence had been responsible for producing the daily Worldwide Intelligence Update circulated within the Pentagon. These featured , Biblical verses and selectively chosen photos. Read more about it
Another popular patch is the "Hadji Don't Surf", featuring a #Muslim man falling of a magic carpet, referring to the Apocalypse Now quote "Charlie (the VC) don't surf". A #Navy SEAL (left) is seen wearing one, as well as a SPEC OPS soldier training in northern California.
UK nationals embedded with the #Peshmerga in #Iraq to fight #ISIS, most notably Timothy Scott (2nd from your right) and Steven Costa (holding the flag) pictured holding a Knights Templar flag (black, white and a red St. George's Cross).
Besides the obvious #Crusader themes recalled through these flags and patches, blatant #Nazi symbolism and iconography has found its way across foreign armed groups on military duty in the Middle East and North Africa.
A photo taken in August 2007 shows a large swastika emblem hoisted over an Australian military vehicle while on operations in #Afghanistan. Experts have concluded that the picture was in no way digitally altered and this specific case was known to Australian Defense.
Members of the U.S. Charlie Company, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion in Camp Pendleton, #Afghanistan, in front of a flag featuring the #Nazi Schutzstaffel (SS) emblem. The photo was taken in September 2010 in Sangin province.
Source: The Guardian
Pictures of National Socialist (Nazi) symbols left behind by #Russian #PMC (such as the #Wagner group) on abandoned positions now taken by the #Libyan GNA (Government of National Accord - anti-Ḥaftar). Images from @Oded121351's thread on the subject. https://twitter.com/Oded121351/status/1272900743872339972
The most recognizable symbol is obviously the swastika, main emblem of Nazi #Germany and representing Nazi-inspired fascism and racial supremacy. The text in #Arabic reads: "Benghāzī Land of (real) Men". Benghāzī is currently LNA controlled.
#Russian involvement is clear cause of this text reading Я вижу мечети на русской земле, но было бы лучше увидеть их в аду (I see mosques on Russian soil, but it would be better to see them in hellfire), with an additional 14/88, a reference to David Lane's 14 words.
The 14 Words and 88 Precepts by white supremacist David Lane is popular among international neo-Nazi groups. This picture shows the same text but with "White Power" inscribed together with a lightning bolt, a stylized s associated with the #Germanic *sæwelō rune, meaning sun.
The fact that these pictures were taken in a burned-out mosque inʿAyn Zāra (south of #Tripoli) and the texts indicate a destructive hatred against mosques all point to arson of the prayer hall by Russian PMCs for reasons obviously way beyond the #Libyan Civil War.
A final picture taken in the above mentioned ʿAyn Zāra shows a swastika cross with *sæwelō runes and the statement "born to kill" in English. The runes are best known for their representation of the Schutzstaffel (SS) and association with the Schwarze Sonne (Black Sun).
Another picture posted by @RJawashi shows the Russian inscription жо́па (žópa) which means as much as "ass", combined with a swastika and two *sæwelō runes forming the infamous SS emblem.
Australian SAS photographed while holding up a Confederate flag on a mission in 2012 in Uruzgan Province #Afghanistan. The flag reads: "Southern Pride". In a video, an Australian soldier is seen slinging the flag over his shoulder while escorting bound Afghan men to a Black Hawk.
Members of the Navy SEALs Team Six (commonly known as DEVGRU) with Crusader patches (red St. George's cross on either a white or black background) in #Afghanistan. They belong to the Gold Squadron, an assault team nicknamed "the Knights".
UK soldiers on duty in #Afghanistan somewhere around 2010 performing the #Nazi-salute in front of the Union Jack with the inscription "Invicta Loyal", the name of a Kent-based Glasgow Rangers supporters club. Also pictured is the Ulster Banner, a Northern Ireland loyalist symbol.
A civilian contractor working with the U.S. armed forces in #Afghanistan for MAG Aerospace pictured in 2018 wearing a #Kekistan flag patch on his helmet. KEK is a central symbol in the Alt-Right internet culture and online white nationalism.

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