My friends, we've been through a lot over the last 4 yrs and now we are just 100 days out from the election. He's going to get worse - like a cornered animal, he will lash out. We need a massive wave to defeat him. I ask you to do something every day for the next 100 days to win.
You can reach out to your whole network to get them registered, and then ask them to get others registered. Here's a site that can help: 
We are in desperate need of poll workers; if you're healthy and have no health complications, consider training as poll worker. The long lines in the primary were partially because there were not enough poll workers. Here's site that can help: 
Most importantly, you can have conversations with friends and family, even Trump supporters and tell them why you're voting. The most persuasive thing in politics is a person who believes in a cause. Voters are moving. Now is the time to talk to all your friends about November.
We can defeat Trump, but we are not there yet and we have to continue to build. The light is at the end of the tunnel. Let's run.
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