"Be obsessed about what you do. If you are not obsessed about marketing, creativity, advertising, design and business in general, go find something you are obsessed with. Life is too short to not be obsessed about what you do."

- Global CMO @fer_machado123 (Burger King, Popeyes)
It's fascinating how quickly some equate this to hustle porn or burnout culture or suggesting lack of dynamic lifestyle.

It's more simple to me. If I'm gonna work 8-10 hours a day, 5 days a week, I'd rather be mesmerized than bored. After work? Be a human w/ hobbies!
I'm the last human to ever suggest overworking.

If anything, my beef w/ companies that overwork employees is how they often fail at enforcing the Pareto principle (80% of outcomes come from 20% of inputs), assigning busy work that doesn't change a thing. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/1/80-20-rule.asp
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