It would be nice to ignore the Harry Potter person but the rhetoric being used on her massive platform is feeding a genocidal impulse that already exists in government and within individuals. She is dangerous.
Situating the trans subject and the trans body in the contested discursive space the way she does pulls the conversation around transness into the posture of working to locate the legitimate trans subject.
The idea being that we must defend against the allegation that too many trans people in the world reflects a problem (that is after all her point). And in so doing we cede the conversation to cis people and institutions.
And perhaps most insidiously, in so doing, we give the false impression that sexed bodies are things only trans people have. By obscuring the larger structural impulses behind bodily policing and the violence of the sex binary, we ensure the continuation of these structures.
The fear that a trans person - of any age - might actually love and embrace their body is what drives JK and others. They don’t want to just make it harder for us to survive, they want to destroy any joy we might feel in our journeys.
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