It is way too early in the morning for this, but apparently a scandal is brewing in music theory on race and diversity so I'm going to do my best to recap it for #academictwitter and #twitterstorians.

Consider it the musical equivalent of this convo:
Music theorist Phil Ewell gave a plenary presentation at the Society for Music Theory (SMT) conference in 2019 called "Music Theory's White Racial Frame." 
In the presentation, Ewell examined how, in spite of the field's efforts to diversify, music theory scholarship was still mostly white and the composers they taught were mostly white.
It was a data-driven presentation, more than anything else.
So it looks like the Journal of Schenkerian Studies, run by @ @UNTCoM, just published an issue with 14 responses to Ewell's plenary address. 12 are by men, 1 by a woman, 1 is "anonymous." All (presumably) white. 
Some of the written responses are, um... well, I'll let you see for yourself:
Did the Journal of Schenkerian Studies really publish a response to Professor Ewell's scholarship that was "anonymous"? Yes.
Did the Journal contact Ewell to let him know about their issue and give him a chance to reply to any of this?

Lolololololol no.
Music theory twitter is calling foul.
They're pointing out that the field's own racial origins and history are already well-known.
And they're drawing attention to how Ewell's words are being mischaracterized and used against him for the sake of defending Schenker/Schenkerian analysis:
I'm not a music theorist. But I'll be paying attention to how this conversation develops. It'll be interesting to revisit this tweet a year from now and see if/how anything's changed.
Phew! Did I miss anything, gang? If not, I'm going to finally get my coffee and do some gardening. Self-care is healing! Peace out!
Addendum: Toru's tweet, which deserves a read:
Okay now I really am going to drink my coffee and do some gardening because *someone* has to trim back the lemon balm growing in the raised bed.
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