Our Sanatan Dharm divides life cycle into 4 age based stages.
These are
1- Brahmacharya i.e student
2- Grihastha i.e householder
3- Vanaprashtha i.e retired
4- Sannyasa i.e renunciation.
Each of the four ashrams has its specific duties and its own importance.
Today, only a few Hindus strictly follow all these four stages.
Well, I m in favour of change with time but not at the cost of neglecting our tradition and culture.
Stagnant water smells bad but flowing water having less Hydrogen and Oxygen is also harmful.
So, neither being stagnant nor being fleunt without quality is appreciated.
Anyhow, my topic of discussion is the very first stage of life i.e Brahamcharya stage .
Here, Brahamcharya does not imply complete celibacy.
This stage of life must be followed strictly till you are ....
Memorisation and skill development are crucial subsidiary to character formation and self realisation.
This comprises humility, discipline, simplicity, purity of thought, cleanliness, soft heartedness,humanity and plethora of other human qualities.
So, the quality of life in old days was very high and despite not having so much technology and advancement like today we have, people were happy and satisfied.
Eminent Personalities like Swami Vivekananda are the results of this great sanatan way of life.
But if u compare this going era to old golden days, u will acknowledge where we are heading towards.
Even, Our boys and girls are not able to follow the very basic structure of four age based stages of life.
Yes, I m talking about Brahamcharya ( not complete celibacy ).
Porn, Masturbation and Orgasm is hollowing out our children and youths to the core.
Most of them are in trap of lust and short time pleasure.
It leads to depression, lack of focus ,concentration , confidence ,bad health, weak memory, short term attachment ,short tempered,
egoistic, less passionate towards life goals and more. A majority of our youths are entangled in trap of this evil alluring trap.
Students are the future of our country and if they are not shown right path at the right time it will be injustice for our vision
to be vishwa guru and superpower.
Sorry to say , no one is ready to talk on this serious grave concern.
Having degree and having wisdom are two diff things.
Continuing further..........
Science and Reaearch has proved that Porn harms the brain , damages intellect,spoils social binding and negatively affects the society as a whole..
Porn is just a slow poison fantasy proven to spoiling health to a great extent.
Just like drugs ,Porn floods the brain with
chemicals like dopamine.
Overtime, the brain gets overwhelmed by the constant overload of chemicals and starts building dependency on Porn and often results in masturbation and Orgasm.
And sometimes it ends in horrible consequences like brutal rapes.
One drop of our semen is equivalent to 45 drops of blood and it consumes 80% of the energy body produces.
Essential components of Protein, carbohydrate , fatty acid and complex steroids are present in our semen structure.
They help in proper functioning of our nervous system.
Cheap and regular Ejaculation leads to lack of such vital elements and one feels week, dull and less motivated after it drained out in the form of masturbation and orgasm.
Semen retention for a defined period of time leads to great intellect ,memory and cognitive development.
I must reiterate, I m not talking here in sense of complete celibacy.
I m defining it in sense of age based stages of life defined in our vedas.
Adoption of western culture and advancement of technology has played a great role in deterioration of our social and ethical values.
But blaming others to hide our fragility have no sense at all.
Neglecting our social values ,vedas, medieval teachings and traditions harming us no less than hell.
Our youths are lacking enthusiasm and less energetic towards their goals. Hence, not yielding much for the country.
These days a very common complaint circulating widely about weak memory.
Students often complains to forget the contents they memorise earlier with hardwork and criticise their fortune for this wrong going.
Some think of reservation when they fails in fresh competition.
Actually, they have no clue what they really lacking in their blood is vital components of Protein,Vitamin, fatty acids ,carbohydrates , potassium ,zinc, amino acids, enzymes, brain catalysts, phosphorylcholine and many more.
No one here to guide them on right path and thus..
depletion is going and going on.
No one dares to discuss such topics publicy for the sake of decency and self respect. I don't know why???
But this is matter of grave concern for our social infrastructure and vision to be Vishwa guru again on our social standards and traditions.
Youths entraped in such things often complain ,they want to quit but they fail in their attempts.
Actually, they don't know the gravity of this dopamine game.
It is not that easy to get out of this complex trap.
One needs a strong will power and good control on senses.
Solely forceful physical restrain will not work until and unless your mindset is strong enough.
In the long run you will fail for sure, if your mind is not compatible with your body.
You need to burn your extra calories coming in the form of sexual urge somewhere else.
For example, you can work hard in gym, regular yoga excercise, jogging and running, swimming can burn extra wasteful calories.
Avoid much spicy diets ,fast food , alcohol, and if u r a non vegetarian ,u need to be extra careful about the quantity you take.
Somehow easy for..
Vegetarians but it is all about how much calories you burn each day.
Meditation can play the crucial role in controlling your senses along with physical excercise.
Also, keep yourself motivated always as your are on a war against yourself. You have to better than what u are now
You have to choose between a blessed cheerful life against a life where short term pleasure sucking and fcukingg you.
Just see this video and if you love it, you can search more on this channel named @ManthanHub
Our education system need to be reshuffled as it lacks contents of such serious subjects.
One click availability on internet is harming more than doing good. Our Gov strictly needs to ban such websites and contents if they care for their children and youth.
Including curriculum relevent to this deep concernable topic is the need of hour and hope @PMOIndia @narendramodi @DrRPNishank will take stock of this and do some needful in this regard.
I also appeal parents and teachers to encourage children to read our holy scriptures and stories of eminent personalities as this will inculcate a sense of our great tradition, culture and a perfect way of life. As no one claims to be perfect but a try can do something good.
Once a great man said if you want to shake the world ,just stop shaking.
Rest in your Hand🙏🙏🙏
Jai Shree Ram
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