Tearing apart all of Amber Heard's bs accusations against Johnny Depp: A Thread
1. Johnny was paranoid about what I was doing when I was away

Kate James, her ex-assistant, testifies that this is exactly what Amber did
2. I stopped taking as many jobs because Johnny didn't like it.

She had more work during her relationship with him than she had ever before. One interviewer even called 2015 "a watershed" year of her career
3. If I wore a low-cut dress, then he would say
things like “my girl is not gonna dress like a whore”. Over time, I stopped wearing revealing dresses for red carpet events: it just wasn’t worth the verbal abuse

if this is not revealing, i would like to know what is
Also, she's racist. Amber is red, blue is Sean Bett
4. Johnny was controlling me taking away my car and making his drivers drive me after that.

Also Amber Heard: Johnny gave me a car and I drove it around by myself and the drivers only drove me around at the beginning

Make it make sense
5. Johnny doesn't respect or like powerful women
Yes, I'm sure that is the case when all these powerful women have nothing but good things to say about him. Sure, Amber. https://twitter.com/curiosvty/status/1285698640825274370?s=20
6. Johnny lives in a state of weaponised victimhood

I honestly don't think I need to say anything about this one
7. First violent incident, 2013. No date, so I really can't do much with this one. Now, let's assume that the detail she added about it being so cold that she could see her breath wasn't just her embellishing.
To be able to see your breath, the temperature has to be lower than 7.22 degrees Celsius (45 degrees Fahrenheit)
In Jan-Feb 2013, the temperate reached 7C or lower in LA in the early hours of the night and morning during. I'm excluding March because that is when the next incident is said to have taken place

Jan 1-Jan 17
Jan 21
Jan 29
Feb 8-15
Feb 22-26
Now, she claimed he hit him multiple times, with rings on his fingers and so hard it felt like her eye popped out. That would leave significant damage on her face. So, let's look at some pictures from that time period of Jan-Fen 2013.
Amber Heard on January 2
January 12
January 14
January 16, leaves for Paris, so not in the same country as Johnny anymore. She won't come back until February
Back in LA February 23-24
8. March 8, 2013

Originally this incident was about painting but she suddenly remembered it was about something else and the painting incident was later. Hit so hard that it resulted in a cut lip and blood on a wall. She also says she was standing next to a smeg fridge
Problem is that fridge wasn't purchased until 2014
Amber on March 14, five days later after having been punched so hard blood went on the walls
9. March 22, 2013

I'm honestly not sure what she's claiming happened on this date anymore because she split it into two different incidents, but here she is the next day 23rd, looking fine
10. 24 May 2014. Plane

She claims he pushed an aeroplane seat at him. Girl, bye.
Amber on May 29
So it took her all of 5 days to forgive him, ok, girl
11. August 17, 2014

Tara Roberts, the property manager, testifies that there was no damage anywhere. Dr Kipper says Johnny was not erratic and paranoid on that day, but calm and quiet
12. Tokyo, January 25, 2015

Slapped her, grabbed her by the hair and knelt on her back and hit her
Amber on January 26, 2015
Amber on January 27, 2015
14. Australia March 2015

what a load of bs
Amber on April 6 with her "cut feet" dancing ballet
the completely intact phone, wow
that's not a ping pong table. there's no phone next to the fridge and it certainly is not in a corner
and then there's this audio and all they are worried about is getting her out of the country and quickly, with someone strong in case she kicks off
15. March 23, 2015. He grabbed me by the hair and punched me in the face
Johnny was wearing a cast and couldn't even make a fist
witness statement of Travis McGivern
Amber on March 29
Amber on April 18 with healing cuts on one hand but mysteriously no sign of any other injuries she described in Australia
16. Malaysia train, August 27 or so
hit her and choked her
oh look there're pictures of them on the train, who is injured?
17. Thanksgiving, November 2015
Oh look, there are pictures and video of them on thanksgiving having a splendid time
18. December 15, 2015
Oh look, it's them out on dinner that night with Johnny already injured and Amber looking fine
oh look, it's her on the show next day, looking fine
oh look, it's her nurse examining her on the 17th of December, finding no bruising and somehow missing all her grievous injuries
oh look, it's her on December 20, looking fine
19. December 28, 2015
Oh look, more photos of her looking fine, December 30
oh look it's her and johnny attending an event on the 2nd of January, with her looking fine and him having a healing cut on his nose
20. April 21, 2016
josh drew
oh look, here she is, going to Coachella the next day, looking fine
Starling Jenkins witness statement
21. May 22, 2016
CCTV, 22nd
CCTV, 22nd
CCTV, 24th
CCTV, 24th
CCTV, 25th
The "incident" took place on May 21, sorry, not 22nd. Here she is on 22nd, looking fine
Here she is on 28th looking fine when the day before she had a "bruise"
Also, here's Kevin Murphy's statement regarding the December 15 incident that I missed
The only witness who testified to ever seeing any violence from Johnny to Amber was her sister Whitney. Whitney's employer and best friend testified that not only did Whitney lie but that Amber has abused her sister for her entire life.
Letter from Jennifer to Whitney
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