Happy @plasticfreejuly
I found all of this plastic washed up on the beach near me.
This is not the marine life we want in our oceans.🌊😔
#chooseachange and make a difference.💚
Did you know;⬇️⬇️⬇️ (1/3) #trashtotreasure
🌎 Plastic pollution can now be found on every beach in the world, even on tropical islands where no humans live. It’s even been found way up in the Arctic?
🌎 Over the last 10 years we have produced more plastic than during the whole of the last century?
(3/3)🌎Single-use plastics make up 40% of plastic made each year?
🌎Experts think by 2050, the amount of plastic in the ocean will weigh more than the amount of fish in the ocean.There are around 33,600 species of fish,that’s A LOT of plastic!
Together we can make a difference 💚
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