One quote by Allama Iqbal always stayed with me growing up in Kashmir especially when I see mukhbirs even after 1 Lakh dead, Kunan Poshpora etc.“Disgrace to the nation, faith and humanity(Mir Jafar)”. Now let’s see a millennial example of Mir Jafar in Kashmir-Sajid Yousuf Shah.
1/ His story starts when he was 8 years old in October 2002. His mother’s brother was an Ikhwani. One day, when his mom was visiting her brother, “militants” entered the home looking for her brother. Unfortunately she got in the way, so both of them were killed. But Sajid wasn’t.
2/ First we need to establish Sajid and his accounts.His primary account is TheSkandar but used to be ibne_sena before that. But one day, he was disappointed with not getting much support from #KTwitter. He then decided to become a one man IT cell. Paid for by India of course.
3/ His other accounts are Junaid Khan and Fayak Wani. He just amplifies with these accounts mainly. Same topic is a giveaway. He sometimes replies from these alternate accounts when someone addresses his main account see below.
4/ Now Sajid understood the tragic circumstances surrounding his mother’s demise, his uncle. He grew up and was raised by his dad who is an honest man by all accounts and who runs a hotel in Kupwara. Sajids tweets from 2014 prove this.
5/ He then was put into contant with army man in Drugmulla in Kupwara. As you know, Major rank in the Indian army is responsible for supervision of mukhbirs. He was given money and he picked up a taste for expensive alcohol. He was told to recruit more youth. DC Srinagar 👀.
6/ Now why they would be catered for by such high rank people in the occupational admin become clear. Once Aug 5 occurred, Sajid was sent to a local and international media to sell this, he defended India to the bone. It was so remarkable, that even Kurdoglu would be ashamed .
7/ As well as making a network of mukhbirs, he was told that he would be the point man as the “young Kashmiri Muslim” to be projected to the world. He was coached last year and met senior members of Indian forces in preparation for the far right EU visit to Kashmir.
8/ He regularly abuses Kashmiri boys who are murdered on their own land, he does all he can to get Hindutva followers and has a particular penchant for abusing Kashmir women with slurs. I’m told he frequents the brothels of India (no lie) so that’s why lacks respect for women.
9/ He has been tasked along with Sualeh Keen to keep an eye on #Ktwitter and the diaspora. His thread was what started the Aloo Tikki vs @tonyashai debacle. Why ? They can’t have any international coverage of Kashmir lest it harms the “worlds largest democracy” image in the 🌍 !
10/ He is always is retweeted by occupational twitter IDs like Imtiyaz Hussain etc. He has a particular hatred of journalists that expose the ground situation and does everything to demean them and celebrate when arrested. He reports to Tahir Ashraf for K twitter “anti nationals”
11/ Now to further muddle the international coverage with the dual goal of cultivating mukhbirs, he started the charity “All JK Youth Society”. Now I always say, watch out for “peace activists” in the valley. They are always indian stooges. There can be no peace AND occupation.
12/ This charity inclcudes Yana, Junaid Mir, Manjot Kohli etc. This is fully backed by the army and has taught Yana (very limited) Kashmiri and helped to launch her to impersonate us. The aim is to make Kupwara another Nagpur in being “nationalists”. Kupwara is very important.
13/ The revelation that made my blood go ICE COLD was when I learnt that he was using the Yateem trust to nurture mukhbirs. Think about it, ORPHANS! Is there no too low for him? We need to protect them from predators like him. They are our future.
14/ Sajid has thus encapsulated the very meaning of Allama Iqbals famous condemnation for those that sell their people to a colonising foreigner. He is a disgrace to the Kashmiri nation, his faith, and humanity.
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