There are 3 main ways the #FakeNews is fake:

1. Propagates false information
2. Delivers slanted/biased information
3. Withholds or simply doesn't report true information

It often delivers reporting using a mixture of all 3 techniques.

Which is the worst? IMO, it's #3.
IMO, w/holding or simply not reporting information is the worst of the #FakeNews techniques because it can't be remedied by watching or reading more sources. A lie may be detected, or a more neutral slant constructed, if you mix various sources. Not so w/that which is unreported.
Most of the news/entertainment/media is controlled by the same people & powers. It's designed to give the impression that the more of it you consume, the more informed you are. But w/o the right approach, you don't become more informed, you become more trapped in the illusion.
How Twitter works: Blue Checks are the influencers & set the boundaries & direction of acceptable discourse, w/Twitter's blessing. Venturing too far afield can get you into trouble. This is how the Overton Window of Twitter is constructed--but always w/Twitter as final arbiter.
I'm not into Q, but Q peeps bring a lot of "uncurated" info to the table. They got deleted by Twitter this week & are about to get deleted on FB. They're already probably massively throttled on YT, but I wouldn't be surprised if Google/YT take more action.
Curated is often just a soft code-word for "controlled." I mostly avoid central curation.

Why have so many sites eliminated their reader comments? Because controlling the narrative is more important than audience engagement &/or they need Google revenue.
Ted Kaczynski predicted this collusion & control 25 years ago. Yes, he did very bad things, but that doesn't automatically discount prescient observations like this, which he NAILED:
Once you understand that collusion within & across tech, "news" & "entertainment" is common place, the world will start to make more sense to you.
Here's a more complete picture of the "Overton Window," "influencers," & "colluders:"

It doesn't matter how many of these sources you consume--it's what's lurking out in the shadows (unreported/undocumented/discouraged/banned) that contains the critical info & truths we need.
Posting this 2X b/c there's a lot to unpack:

1. Smaller groups of united forces control what gets onto our "screen."
2. They keep us "fenced in/on the plantation" w/panem et circenses: How many are slaves to sport & porn, etc?
3. Bombard us w/overload to keep us from the truth.
A 3-part quote now:

Part 1.

"There are many yet on the earth among all sects, parties & denominations, who are blinded by the subtle craftiness of men, whereby they lie in wait to deceive, & who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it."
Part 2.

"Therefore, it is an imperative duty that we owe to all the rising generation, & to all the pure in heart—that we should waste & wear out our lives in bringing to light all the hidden things of darkness, wherein we know them; & they are truly manifest from heaven."
Part 3.

"But all things must come to pass in their time.

"Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great."
One might ask, "Why are they so obsessed w/the collusion & information control? Why the curated narrative?"

It may seem obvious to many, if not most, but it still needs to be explained:

--->It's to control people.<---
As long as mankind has been on earth, evil & designing people have sought to enslave & control others for profit, for adulation, for exhilaration, the raw power, etc. Various reasons. Control over our fellow man is a fundamental impulse & flaw of human nature. It's always w/us.
To control people, you must control their behavior. You can do it through forced physical intervention, like chaining them up & whipping them-


You can controls their thoughts. All actions are preceded by thoughts. All actions lead to behaviors:

Thoughts👉Actions👉 Behaviors
If you control the info people are exposed to, you can control--to a great degree--what & how they think. Your thoughts & opinions are basically just the sum total of the information & points of view you've absorbed, just like your body is composed of what you've eaten.
Next is Speech, which is inseparably connected to thought. A thought always precedes speech. If you control the boundaries of "acceptable" speech, then you'll likewise control the boundaries of thought. People will auto-censor their own thoughts & then act in the desired ways.

Speech control is thought control is behavior control.

Control the narrative & you control people.


Profit, power, adulation.

Censorship is enslavement. Pure & simple.

How many of you searched the shadows of the picture? If so, you saw 3 questions:

L: What aren't they showing you?
Top: What aren't they telling you?
R: What are you forbidden to talk about?

Or were you distracted by what was lit up & on the screen?

See how it works?🤯

You can follow @SamParkerSenate.
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