This bitch better be lawyered up really well, because this direct link to Brookings and their dirt is vulnerable.

This is where the entire Ukraine mess ties unto Spygate and trying to takedown @realDonaldTrump
This guy Iggy has friends in high places and has a history of working for Fiona Hill at the Brookings Institute & an incident related to Strobe Talbott & Steele.

NYT is running cover because more is coming out and trying to frame Barr & Ratcliffe as traitors for exposing it all
Fiona Hill perjured herself in front of congress under oath and made false statements. She was protecting Danchenko and the Brookings exposure.

@AmbJohnBolton you should feel like a duped idiot about right now, all this went on right under your nose, you idiot.
Fiona Hill, Strobe Talbott & the Brookings Institute are neck deep in this shit, and if Iggy has any vulnerability in this 923. 18 U.S.C. § 371 Conspiracy to Defraud the United States - Barr should squeeze his ass to bring Brookings own and shutter their doors.
These parasites at the Brookings Institute misled the country, attempted to destroy an elected president, manipulated news coverage and defamed innocent people.

There is definite exposure, question is will Bill Barr exploit it to bring down the castle.
This all ties together, Wittes Lawfare Blog, is a project of the Brookings Institute, & defended the dossier by claiming it's “a collection of raw intelligence” that was similar to forms used by the FBI & other LEA's to transcribe information obtained by witnesses.
Lawfare literally published hundreds of collusion propaganda articles disguised as think pieces from a respectable DC public policy center. They cloaked it all with the Brookings Institution, articles would quickly go viral on both social and traditional media to push narrative
Before Mueller's report went public Lawfare published a lengthy instruction manual advising the press on how to handle the long awaited document, of course authored by Benjamin Wittes, Lawfare’s editor-in-chief, he begged the media “not to screw up” its coverage.
And this is where Comey gets really exposed. Wittes is best buds with Comey, and chief architect of the collusion hoax. By the way Comey is a contributor to Lawfare pretty regularly, and Wittes and Comey go way back, and tying a conspiracy isn't tough if there's a paper trail
Wittes self admitted he was the anonymous source for a May 2017 New York Times article that disclosed details of Comey’s private dinners with Trump in the White House prior to his firing.
Mueller’s gang of partisan hacks like Weissmann, Zelby and Van Grack, however, couldn't find evidence of collusion despite Lawfare’s nonstop assurances that such proof existed. You know those same fucking assurance that lying piece of shit Schiff pushed for years.
That's right Lawfare acted as the Adam Schiff of the blog waves on the internet, pumping the media full of pseudo-legalese bullshit about any collusion-related case.

These bastard screamed the sky is falling day in and day out for three years.
Lawfare has targeted Bill Barr, @DevinNunes , and @GenFlynn among many others.

And people need to always remember, despite all his bullshit legalese and so called expertise, Benny Wittes ISN'T A FUCKING LAWYER. You can't get him for legal malfeasance, but conspiracy is a shot
Lawfare contributors like Wittes and Susan Hennessey often were cited in news coverage as collusion “experts,” earning prime spots on cable news and viral retweets by their bot farms. Susan Hennessey is a full time CNN national security analyst.
Lawfare is just a tick on the swamp dog, it's Brookings that has a bigger investment in perpetuating the collusion hoax than just gaining new-found fame and respect for its contributors. This isn't just propaganda to defame Trump, it goes way deeper.
Documents related to the UK defamation case against Christopher Steele shows that Steele was in cahoots with Strobe Talbott, president of Brookings, in 2016 to get the dossier to all the right people. They were actively pushing it out to muddy the waters around the Trump Campaign
This is the definition of a conspiracy. Talbott called Steele in August 2016 to inquire about his Trump dirt-digging project. They connected again a few days before the election. Steele telephoned Talbott on 2nd or 3rd November 2016, and Talbott asks for copies of the dossier
Court documents revealed Steele followed up with Talbott days later in an email.

“Dear Strobe, I know this is not straight forward but we need to discuss the package we delivered to you the other week, and sooner the better,”
Steele texted Talbott on November 12, 2016.

“What you thought of it, what you did with it, how we both should handle it and the issue it highlights going forward etc.”
Fiona Hill, as an impeachment witness, testified that Talbott showed her a copy of the dossier in January 2017, and Hill was a director at Brookings at the time, and Talbott was President of Brookings.

At least Nunes, wants more info about Brookings’ connections with Steele.
Now they are desperately trying to keep life support on this Russian nonsense, want to know why? Because they watch polling like a hawk, that's the way the swamp governs, with their finger in the wind, they don't give a damn what's best for the country
But we now see direct links between the Brookings leadership and the creation and dissemination of the dossier, through the the State Dept, the DOJ and back door of the FBI.
Brookings/Lawfare helped perpetuate one of the biggest frauds in political history on the American people. They misled the country, attempted to destroy an elected president, manipulated news coverage, & defamed innocent people in the process while covering up the real scandals.
Ask yourself why in the world was/is the State Dept so hell bent in this coup? Because the State Dept is at the heart of the biggest scandal, and that's the selling off of our country for personal profit.

And it's still going on, Pompeo is not to be trusted.
Check the Kevin Bacon degrees of separation between Pompeo an Michigan Mike Rogers and his arms dealing wife.

Check the list of NGO's that are still feeding off of Ukraine, Afghanistan, and Iran/Iraq.

@peterschweizer says it all the time...

"Follow the Money"
Why can't Pompeo be trusted?

For one, think about this. @RudyGiuliani tried for a year to get visas for witnesses out of Ukraine from the State Dept. The State Dept continually denied them.

Who in the hell is in charge of the State Dept?

And the relationship with Rogers
Back to the Brookings connection, Strobe Talbott was married to Brooke Lloyd Shearer (she's deceased now) a long time Hillary Clinton team member & drumroll please Strobe Talbott is Cody Shearer's brother-in-law, his wife's little brother, dossier writer & Sid Blumenthal cohart
Brookings is a tax exempt corp & isn't supposed to be involved in politics. Strobe Talbott was spreading Steele's Dossier around, and meeting with the State Dept about the Dossier as well as circulating Cody Shearer's dossiers that mirrored info in the Steele Dossier.
Brookings receives huge funding from CCP, yet they are also a heralded think tank inside the beltway, that has ties throughout the Gov't especially the State Dept. They rake in billions in policy consultancy and their tentacles reached all the way to the oval office under Barry.
Here's the real problem and the reason we need @GenFlynn back as National Security Advisor.

The National Security Council is infested with Brookings Cockroaches. It's the reason they were so involved in the take down of FLynn and the overthrowing of @realDonaldTrump
I'm hoping with @carterwpage hiring @LLinWood to go after those that defamed him, it can somehow lead into some discovery in the Brookings dealings since they were so active with the dossiers and their being applied on a FISA to spy on Page.
H/T to @theconservador
Think-tankers are the revolving-door of the elite class and Brookings is one of the largest Gov't staffers. Over 20 Brookings staffers joined the Obama admin in 2009 - including Susan Rice. They have over Hundreds of millions in annual revenues, have for over a decade.
So think about the deflection on the part of the Left, especially the Hillary and Obama crews. All the talk about is Russians in the orbit of Trump. How that’s evidence he was colluding. And they give you the same tired names and point directly at the Trump Tower meeting.
First off it was the Left that engineered the Trump Tower meeting. The Russian lawyer worked for Fusion GPS. And then they list the same tired names over and over. Anyone with a name that even sounds Russian.
Then look at all the Russians connected to Hillary and Obama, it’s not even close. The emails and communications with the Clinton State Dept.

Non of them were asking about adoptions and the Malinsky Act.

They were all Uranium and Arms deals.
Think about U1!
How was payment made to US person(s)?
Think Ukraine.
Think Iran.
Russia & Iran allies?
Russia, Iran, & China allies?
US pol corruption China
US pol corruption Ukraine
Common denominator: China, Russia, and Iran: Closed financial systems?
USAID money everywhere
NGOs are USAID laundromats

Trillions of taxpayers money spread all over the globe for the betterment of mankind?

Why is this entire think tank concentrated so hard on the resistance and why have they obstructed Trump going after China?🤔
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