this is Jorge Gonzalez, a victim of police brutality in the RGV. He suffered a broken neck, and a compressed spine at the hands of 3 sheriff deputies. Clearly he was in so much pain, and hardly conscious that they had to hold him up for his mugshots. Please read:
They tased him at least 3 times, witnesses say he was already arrested, when a deputy on purpose tripped him over after falling he hit his face hard and lost conscious for at least 2 minutes they tased him couple of times “to wake him up”.
he was taken to Hidalgo County where he was neglected and left to lay in his cell. According to the hospital he went over 26 hours in Hidalgo County jail without necessary medical attention that could have saved his life.
He suffered 5 pneumonias in total, he was left paralyzed neck down. He couldn’t breathe on his own he depended on a ventilator.
He went through a series of surgeries, and was in intensive care for over a month after the arrest.
His doctor said he should have been put in a long term care facility. Jorge was undocumented and didn’t have insurance. He was sent home. Just because you are undocumented, doesn’t mean you don’t deserve a chance to live.
Jorge Gonzalez was a family man, a father, a son, a brother. He did not deserve what happened to him. WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE FOR JORGE GONZALEZ??
This all occurred in the early hours of April 12, the last day his family saw him. Since then his one-year-old son has been without a father because the police took the life of an innocent man who didn’t deserve his fate.
Help us spread awareness of Jorge’s story so that people here in the RGV can see that we aren’t immune to police brutality.
Due to hurricane Hanna I have not had electricity or service for about 5 hours and could not respond to everyone.

But PLEASE if you are someone who can directly help the Gonzalez family whether with legal help or anything. Contact @KatiaGonzalezZg
some of y’all are asking for articles or proof?? we live in a small town?? trying to get the word out of what happened?? there hasn’t been any coverage over this! that’s what we are trying to do!
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