I just read a warning to conservatives that electing Joe Biden would be "the end of America." It made me wonder - seriously - What would that look like to them? Because to my eye, the "end of America" looks like federal police taking people off the streets into unmarked cars. 1/7
2/7 To my eye, "the end of America" looks like police kneeling on George Floyd's neck while he gasps 'I can't breathe!' or breaking into Breonna Taylor's house at night and killing her. It looks like police teargassing innocent protesters and shooting rubber bullets at them.
3/7 To my eye, the "end of America" looks like the lynching of Amaud Arbery, by chasing him in a pickup truck and shooting him. And then the way it took police and prosecutors so long to figure out that it was wrong.
4/7 To my eye, "the end of America" looks like an administrative branch so corrupt that it lies with impunity, pardons child predators, conducts official gov't business in ways that line the pockets of the President & his sycophants, and that rejects all criticism as "fake news".
5/7 To my eye, "the end of America" looks like children in cages and concentration camps. It looks like a gov't intent on taking certain groups of people out of the Census count in clear violation of the Constitution. It looks like the normalizing of hate speech and actions.
6/7 To my eye, "the end of America" looks like an administrative branch that has managed the Covid pandemic with mis-information, indifference, & complete incompetence. More than 148,000 people have died, and many more will die because of this utter incompetence and indifference.
7/7 Seriously, what are these conservatives imagining "the end of America" will look like? We already have legal abortion, so that's not it. Is it a country where you are expected to treat each other - regardless of religion, gender, race, etc. - with dignity and respect?
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