THREAD: 1/5 The clip only highlights that our Khalifa(aba) encourages the education of Ahmadi Muslim ladies. It’s important to note that this facility provides financial aid as well to their students to study abroad
2/5 There are pledges various universities have, Zaytuna College the first accredited Muslim college in the US has a six step 'honor code' which has to be adhered to on and off campus. It includes rules for: “Modesty & Propriety in Dress and Behavior” & “Sobriety & Restraint”
3/5 Failure to follow the rules results in: “suspension or expulsion…” One of the largest evangelical Christian universities in the world, Liberty Uni, has a detailed honor code as well which includes, ‘Dress Guidelines’ different for men and women...
4/5 This is not limited to just religious universities but secular as well. In fact students who apply or receive academic scholarships have to adhere to guidelines also, they include rules on and off campus including dress codes...
5/5 Almost more than half of the institutes in Rabwah are catered to our ladies studies. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community via our Khalifa(aba) uphold education for both men and women, while maintaining Islamic guidelines of modesty.
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