I was homeschooled from K-12th grade

I learned more from my parents than my college professors about the important things in life

Do you know why?

B/c my parents cared for me and wanted me to thrive in life, not be stuck in debt

"Homeschool: The Institution of the Wise"

I want you to know something about me that made homeschooling ideal

Yes, both of my parents wanted to homeschool

But their desires were largely unpopular

Before they married, they decided their children would be homeschooled

But then their first child was born...
My older sister suffered a brain injury at birth.

For her entire 21 years of life she never

- Walked
- Talked
- Performed basic motor movements

But she always smiled, even though she spent equal parts of her life in the hospital and in the home

She is healed now...
When she was born, my parents were insistent

They would homeschool their children still.

Then they had me a year later

2 years later than had my brother

3 years later my sister

And in 2 more years another sister was born

"How did they homeschool so many kids?"
The honest to God truth, I really don't know...

But every morning we started the day with a devotion with Mom

And every night we ended with a devotion with Dad.

Our curriculum was hand picked, faith based, backed by fact & logic, and highly effective

But that's not all.
In middle school I learned I had a knack for writing

But my mom was concerned b/c I didn't care for these subjects:

- Math
- Science
- History

You know what else?

Any chance I got

I'd finish school early so I could play with my guy friends

In the woods.

In those woods I:

- Built forts
- Had stick fights
- Played war

My boyhood was fulfilled.

I had freedom because I was homeschooled

And because I was homeschooled I learned valuable lessons in the "school room" and in the woods.

But what about those core subjects?

I inherited my parents stubbornness

And I insisted that I would write my exams

Insisted I would write papers instead of tests

I would rather write than do anything else.

Mom picked up on this and allowed it

She encouraged it.

So, after I read my textbooks...
I would summarize what I learned on paper

Then I'd play in the woods.

This repeated itself until I got into high school.
In highschool, from late 2013 until April 2014

My sister lived in three different hospitals.

Mom had to be there the entire time.

The way I learned had to change.

I was getting older, and my younger siblings started to need more and more attention from Mom

But Mom, well...
She was busy talking with doctors, teaching my younger siblings, and fighting for my older sister

Now, how did this effect me?

I'll tell you what

I matured quick

I had no choice. It was survival.

I spent high school reading textbooks and summarizing

But there was a catch
"You need to study math, science, and history if you want to graduate"

Boy oh boy, did I dislike teaching myself those subjects

But I persisted

I studied

I wrote

And I graduated.
If I were not homeschooled

I would have been subject to sitting at a desk

While other kids were at a desk until 3:30

I woke up early, finished my work, and went into the woods by lunch

I played in mud, with sticks, with friends, for three hours

Almost every day.
I didn't have a teacher tell me to sit still

I never had a teacher tell me I needed ADHD meds

And I never missed those devotions with my parents.

While I was "in class" I was reading my Bible and praying

Can your kids do that?

And believe you me, I had a social life

I did theater

I made robots

I played ultimate frisbee.

And while in high school, I could go to work first then do school later

I was making money and getting smarter.

And I was becoming a damn good writer.
So, wrapping up

Let's review

- I was homeschooled when my parents could sent me off to school to make their life easier

- I was able to write when I should have taken tests

- I could play outside when my peers were getting drugged up

- I spent more time with my siblings
My brother is my best friend.

Dad barely knows his brothers. Mom barely knows hers.
- I learned what interested me

- I lifted weights every day

- I build lasting relationships

- I spent a ton of time reading textbooks in hospital waiting rooms

- I mowed lawns and worked retail while school was in session
I became a man a lot sooner than all the guys I met at the community college I went to

Calling them "guys" is even a stretch.
Parents, if you are considering homeschooling, especially during this pandemic

Do not hesitate

Do not subject your sons to meds and desks

Do not let your daughters become trapped in the public schools feminist ideology.

And one last thing...
I know what it means to be a man

Because I was around Dad all day.

I know what a virtuous woman looks like and behaves

Because I was around my Mom all day.


Not public school, not private school

Homeschool does.
Wow! That was a LOT

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