finding out that lionesses have sex 20-40 times in a day when they're in heat and if her man can't keep up with her she demands to mate by biting his balls has been the highlight of my day
"honey please i'm tired"
also just realized i am a lioness the way i wanna go 20-40 rounds 🧐
me being horny when he just wants to play videogames
if anyone is looking for a girl who will bite their balls like this dm me ❤️ insta @ jasminericegirl
adding more facts that i'm learning: apparently lions in the wild mate once every 2 years, roughly & it’s painful for lionesses bc male lion penises are BARBED with mm-long keratin hooks?? they have sex every 20-30 minutes for 3-4 days which can total >200 times whew
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imagine getting your balls gromped on in a room like this !!!!
Johanna Kok is the photographer of this picture and she took it at Blijdorp, the Rotterdam Zoo!
also here's the original post i saw on facebook!
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