How to become number 1️⃣ in the world at FPL? (Thread) 💭

After looking at all the top managers this season, I decided to write a thread based off the information that I’ve gathered.

This will showcase what I think are the keys to become number 1 in the world next season...⤵️
Let me just make it clear before we start. All of this is simply my opinion, based off the information that I have gathered.

If you disagree with any or all of the points it is perfectly fine!

Anyways, let’s get started 🚀
1) GK 🧤

Let’s start off by taking a look at the GK position. Pope (169 pts) and Henderson (159 pts) are the highest scoring goalkeepers this season and they have one major thing in common. They both play for defensive teams that don’t score many goals at all.
My advice for next season would therefore be to find a cheap goalkeeper that you think will keep a lot of clean sheets while at the same time playing for a team that don’t score much.

The importance behind having a GK from a team that doesn’t score much came apparent to me...
in GW30 when I transferred in De Gea over Pope. Not only do you block yourself from having 3 attackers from that good offensive team but your GK won’t get any bonus points. Don’t waste your transfers on your GK either. If you want to swap him out you should probably do it on a WC
2) TAA 🔴

In the current top 10 managers overall, all 10 of them have owned TAA for the majority of the season. When all of these great overall managers have something in common you have to take notes. He is still only 21 years old so he isn’t supposed to be near his prime...
Despite this great thread by @FPL__Raptor saying that you could consider going without him, in my GW1 squad I can’t see me going without him

I think he should be a lock so that you don’t waste any transfers on him 🔒
3) Find the next differential 🎲

This is a tough one but it’s definitely not impossible like some people may suggest.

Let’s bring up some examples from this season to showcase what I mean by saying it’s definitely not impossible to predict, thanks to underlying stats:
The most recent example is Antonio. Ahead of NOR (A), Antonio had the best underlying stats in the league, playing as a striker, facing the worst defence in the league. In hindsight this was a perfect opportunity to go for him as a differential but the signs were definitely there
Doherty from GW27 and on is another example. He wasn’t popular at the time but the signs were a 100% there.

They had just kept 2 clean sheets in a row against great teams (MUN and LEI) and he had 7 big chances (most of any player) over the last 8 GWs.
Because we on Twitter are afraid to move away from the template, it’s tough to make these calls and obviously there are differentials that don’t work out but as long as the underlying stats are there, I will never blame anyone going for a differential they like. ✅
4) Relying on your star players ⭐️

Your premium assets are the ones that should grab you major point scores consistently. If a player goes on a cold streak, for example Salah who doesn’t score for 3-4 games. People now start transferring him out and well, we know he will...
bounce back soon rather than later. Then you will just have to transfer him back in again and you have wasted 2 transfers. As long as he continues to have decent underlying stats and he doesn’t blank 7-8 times in a row I think you should try to focus on other things in your team.
This is all based off Joshua and his strategy of keeping hold of premium assets from GW1 all the way to the end of the season. Here is my thread about it if you want to read more about it...💭
5) Confidence in your own decisions 💪

Unless you think it is literally a 50/50 call, don’t try and put your decision out there on Twitter just so that you can be influenced by others. If you lean towards a player you probably do it for a reason and when someone tells you...
otherwise and you switch to that you will probably regret it. When the gameweek then is finished and you realised that you were right all along, it’s going to feel so much worse. 😫
6) Captaincy ©️

First of all I wouldn’t captain a defender. I’ve done it twice this season and regretted it quickly. Almost none of the top 10 in the world has done it this season.

Don’t captain a massive differential. I think an exception could be made when the opposition...
is completely terrible like Norwich the last few gameweeks. Antonio, Pulisic and Wood has been good examples of these sorts of exceptions.

Dont captain a player even though you don’t want to simply because everyone else does. An example of this was in GW34 when KDB vs NEW(H)...
was captained by almost everyone. I realised that D. Silva had been playing in front of him when they faced worse teams so I weren’t really understanding why everyone simply had to captain him. I instead went for Bruno who had just come off 2 15pt scores in a row and it worked...
out very well in the end! I am not saying I am a mastermind that outsmarted everyone else but I was proud that I trusted my instincts and the results went in my favour because of it. 😁
7) Don’t be scared of promoted teams 🔥

This goes for primarily the start of the FPL season.

A lot of people are scared of going near the promoted teams and their FPL assets so I am kind of going against the crowd here. I however think there has been plenty of evidence that...
going for promoted players at the start could be very beneficial if it comes off. Players like Pukki, Cantwell, Lundstram, McGinn and Henderson this season and Mitrovic last season started off the season brilliantly.

Promoted teams often surprise people and look strong at...
the start of the season so why not try and capitalise on it. If Stuart Dallas is priced at 4.5 he will be an amazing option and if Leeds sign another striker, he will be on my watchlist as well! 👀
Conclusion: 🏁

1) Cheap, set and forget GK 🧤
2) TAA 🔒
3) Try and find the next differential 🃏
4) Rely on your star players ⭐️
5) Confidence in your decisions 💪
6) Captaincy ©️
7) Don’t let promoted teams scare you
These are in my opinion the best pieces of advice that I could come up with to try and become number 1️⃣ in the world.

I will try to follow these myself next season and if you agree/disagree with anything please let me know!

With that being said...

Good luck for GW38!!!! 🍀🤞
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