I've had a read of this thread. Interesting points. I am going to do a thread in response to this In Sha Allah 1/ https://twitter.com/NourMGoda/status/1286104222916902914
Regarding the first point there is truth to men and women being fundamentally different. However, I do believe the differences between the genders are over emphasised because the Quran does express the metaphysical equality of men & women. 2/ https://twitter.com/NourMGoda/status/1286104224414277635?s=19
The sunnah of course addresses the differences (rights and responsibilities) as stated below 3/
Furthermore, I think what the first point misses out is the core reason why women believe whatever men do, they must do as well. Traditional femininity has never been valued by men or women, which has contributed to women wanting to be more like men. 4/
Moreover, I think its dishonest for us to blame feminism for femininty being hated/women wanting to compete with men. I hear Muslims use the above arguments or say "feminists hate femininity" but that implies femininity was valued in the past, plot twist: it wasn't. 5/
The traditional view of women was that they were weaker deficient humans whose sole purpose in life was to assist men. 6/
Moving on, there is some truth to this statement that most careers cannot accommodate motherhood. However, I dont think women working is the issue, I think the current economic system, capitalism makes it difficult for women to have a balance 7/ https://twitter.com/NourMGoda/status/1286104225886478347?s=19
For example, as Karl Marx once said "Under capitalism a womens labour is considered free like air and water." We have an economic system that has ~only~ lasted this long due to the unpaid labour of women at home. If women want to work now, they have to carry a dual burden 8/
as nobody helps them at home so in the end something has to give. And most often it will be their education/career whether that is temporarily or permanently. Additionally, I know some Muslims are against women working because it's not their job (to work for provisions) 9/
And you are entitled to that opinion, however I would like to gently remind you all that not all women work for provisions! Some work for personal fulfillment, societal growth or as a hobby/leisure. I think that is okay as the children get older! 10/
Also not related to original thread but I just want to quickly mention our sisters who have no choice but to work for whatever reason eg death, divorce, abuse, helping family etc. They do an excellent job raising children and working and we will give credit where its due💘 11/
Now moving on to this point, again I am not a man to say what men are attracted to. But maybe they arent attracted to women having leadership skills and that is okay! That's their personal preference 12/ https://twitter.com/NourMGoda/status/1286104227211878400?s=19
The next point I disagree with because this advice for Muslim women is off. Muslim women are part of communities where women in general do not speak up. Maybe sisters have no choice but to be loud because their voices are only heard half as much? 13/ https://twitter.com/NourMGoda/status/1286104232618270720?s=19
Is this suitable advice for women in many Muslim countries where they are experts at holding their tongues when it comes to letting men be men, and where many injustices still take place? 14/
I worry because lots of men from those communties may see these types of threads and use it to shut Muslim women up more. The statements from us western sisters reach men who when women shout for better, they are told to be silent. Because silence is seen as virtuous 15/
I do not believe Muslim womens struggles came about because of them being outspoken, loud or full of rage. The opposite is true eg being silent/quite has led to injustices involving women to be normalised in our communities. Now women are being forced to shout to be heard 16/
Moving on, I do agree with this statement that sisters should look after their mental health. Take care of your eman first and your mental health will follow! https://twitter.com/NourMGoda/status/1286104233767510016?s=19
I'm going to end this thread here and leave off with an interesting article of femininity according to the Quran and Sunnah from Shaykha @tamaralgray
Here is the full link to her article!
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