We're experiencing a surge of COVID-19 cases in our area.

After searching through our data I have some tips for the UK Test & Trace system...

(a thread...) (1/7)
(2/7) The rate at which Test & Trace is reaching positive cases is very poor in deprived and ethnically diverse areas.

Please redesign your service with that in mind.
(3/7) Improve your ability to communicate in non-English languages. This is proving a major barrier for you in our area right now.
(4/7) Make sure you ask about 'place of work' at the point of testing AND pass it on in the data you send us.

I can't tell you how important this is.

Our surge in cases has been driven by large workplace outbreaks not notified to us until dozens of cases had emerged.
(5/7) Gather more contact details to increase the chance of a successful follow up. At least two phone numbers, email address and postal address are all needed.
(6/7) Partner with local authorities in the delivery of Test & Trace. We can help reach people as well as tailor the service to local needs. Work with us!
(7/7) Finally - hitting some arbitrary target number of tests is really not the most important thing.

We need to separate the infected from the non-infected and break the chain of transmission. Make that your goal - not a number. Make everything you do about that.
You can follow @Lisa_McNally1.
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