Trying to see something.

During this pandemic, how many of you have an oximeter at home?
Oximeters are relatively cheap devices that can measure your blood oxygen levels at home. It can tell you if your oxygen levels fall low enough to warrant calling 911.

My family has several, but it’s only becuase my dad is a retired doctor and my brother is also an MD.
There was so much attention on the need for ventilators in hospitals, and well all remember the early runs on hand sanitizer and toilet paper, yet I would barely read anything about oximeters.
A family member fell ill with coronavirus a few months ago .

Was sent home, but had an oximeter in the house so that the other family members could consistently monitor his blood oxygen levels while he quarantined away from them.

He was sick for five weeks. He survived.
Our close friend went toVA hospital. Was admitted for a few days, and then was sent home with an IV.

He thought he felt better.

A few days later he was struggling to breathe. Could barely talk. It doesn’t appear he was told to check his oxygen. He should have gone to the ER.
He was found dead in his bedroom.
Personally I didn’t know what an oximeter was until this pandemic.

But it seems to me that anyone who is at high risk for Covid or who got it and is sent home to recover should ha e one.
I’ll never forget going to our friends house to learn about his funeral arrangements, while the cable news shows broadcasting about Trump + GOP push to reopen schools.

It’s dawning on me that America will be living with this virus for a long time.

Get oximeters. Wear masks.
Any respiratory therapists or pulmonogists on my timeline who can weigh in on oximeters?

(For the record, my father is a retired pulmonologist and critical care doctor and recommends that people have oximeters at home.)
Another note about oximeters and quarantining—

The relative who had a pulse oximeter but had to quarantine in a room alone had family members who could remotely check oxygen levels.

Our friend quarantined alone —I don’t believe anyone was checking O2 levels before he died.
Family members should also be knowledgeable about pulse oximeters so that they are able to monitor recovering and quarantining Covid patients— and get them emergency assistance if O2 levels drop dangerously low.
For those asking about what my family has and recommends for pulse oximeters here is this $27.99 one.

Other tips:

-Don’t wear nail polish when measuring
-Know how to use one, especially by getting an understanding of your baseline O2 levels
-Be wary of fraudulent models
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