It's a tough thing to approach, but the built environment and activity has to be part of it. I actually did lose about 30kg a few years ago and I think I have kept that off through keeping active primarily through walking and cycling.
Improve people's physical health, mental health, make cities and towns more attractive and welcoming, respond to climate emergency and eat crisps đź’š (rant over and also my new planning motto)
I forgot to add the link to deprivation is huge. The gap in healthy life expectancy between most and least deprived places is stark and has got worse in years of austerity. That's a far bigger public health crisis.
And on the 9-12 month healthier you scheme: "People who have completed it have lost an average of 3.6kg, NHS England says" - I'd be interested to know what happened to those people 9-12 Months later. Compared to where they live etc
Mr Motivator knows the score. Be positive and inspire each other... Built environment has a huge role to play!
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