For the third Saturday running, tens of thousands have come out to protest here in Khabarovsk in Russia’s Far East. Here they sing “I Want Changes,” Viktor Tsoi’s Perestroika anthem
The demonstrations were sparked by the arrest of the region’s overwhelmingly popular governor Sergei Furgal on 15–year-old murder charges his supporters see as politically motivated. The protest’s main demand is for his trial to be held in Khabarovsk, not Moscow
What’s striking about seeing the protests in person is how much is allowed here compared with Moscow. This person, for instance, would have been in a police wagon in seconds
While the protests’ main demand is about Furgal, thet are becoming increasingly anti-Kremlin after Putin named a new governor to the post this week who is not from the region. These tank tops were handed out today at the start of the rally
Everyone is getting involved, even kids
One of the most repeated chants in front of the regional administration building today has been “Putin resign”
They also thank the police for allowing them to gather peacefully
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