For 54 straight days, violent anarchists have been rioting on the streets of Portland as federal law enforcement officers work diligently and honorably to enforce federal law by protecting federal property and the lives of their fellow officers. Last night was no different.
Around 10:30pm PDT:
• Rioters launch mortar-style fireworks at officers and federal courthouse
• Federal officers assaulted with lasers, which can cause permanent blindness
• Ball bearings shot at officers
• Flaming objects and garbage thrown over fence
11:45pm PDT:
•DHS officers again assaulted w/ lasers
•Rioters throw rocks & commercial-grade fireworks
•Rioters launch caustic substance at officers
•Mortar-style firework explodes in courthouse’s entry
12:30am PDT:
@PortlandPolice declares an unlawful & riotous assembly
Around 1:00am PDT:
• Multiple Molotov cocktails thrown at the courthouse
• Rioters attack officers with mortar-style fireworks & lasers
• A fire starts inside the fence
• Rioters make 2 more separate attempts to tear down fence
• Heavy laser attacks against federal officers
During the evening’s violence a CBP officer suffered a chemical burn resulting from a substance thrown by rioters, one suffered a severe blow to his face from a hard object, and another suffered a possible broken bone.
These are not the actions of peaceful protesters. These are the actions of violent anarchists who are looking to harm federal law enforcement and federal property. This violence must end. Local leadership needs to step up, denounce these actions, and regain order.
You can follow @CBPMarkMorgan.
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