Meet Dr. PK Mahanandia.

A dalit born in the eastern jungles of India. When he started school, his teachers told him that he wasn't allowed to sit next to other students.

The other students made extra efforts to never touch him. He realized that day what being untouchable meant.
After his schooling, he enrolled in College of Art, Delhi in 1971

He started studying fine arts on a scholarship

It was difficult because most of the time, the scholarship amount didn't reach him and finding a job was difficult because of the discrimination he'd face as a dalit
But that all changed when he was at a procession one day

It was for Valentina Treskova, the first woman cosmonaut from the USSR

He quickly made a sketch of her a presented it to her. The next day all newspapers went ablaze with headlines like "Woman from Space meets Jungleman".
This game gave him the opportunity to make a portrait of Indira Gandhi.

He sat under the fountain of Connaught Place and drew the best portrait he could of the iron lady of India.

He was given the opportunity to draw tourists visiting the place after that.
On 17 Dec 1975, he met a girl from Sweden called Charlotte von Schedvin who had driven for 22 days to reach Delhi.

Although their vast class difference (she was from Swedish nobility and he was a dalit), they hit it off almost instantly.
They both felt a deep connection and within just 3 days, they traveled to his hometown in Orissa and got married.

Charlotte had to leave for Sweden to complete her education and he had to as well.

They wrote letters to each for a whole year during their time apart.
One day, Mahanandia felt like he had enough of the long distance relationship and decided to go to Sweden to meet Charlotte.

He sold everything he owned and bought a second-hand bicycle.

He didn't look back and set off on a journey to Sweden.
It took him 5 months of cycling to finally reach Sweden where he was reunited with Charlotte.

He told her about the different people he met on the way, how they were all from different cultures, beliefs and races but he still felt they were all one as humans.
Now Mahanandia lives in Sweden and works as an artist as well as the Advisor for Art and Culture for the Swedish government.

His story of determination and perseverance has inspired millions of people around the world.
You can follow Dr. PK Mahanandia here @PKMahanandia1
While you're here. Sign this petition as well.
. @PKMahanandia1 has been active on Twitter since 2015.

Can we please ensure that he gets the amount of followers he truly deserves and also hopefully @verified will take notice.

This is his follower count when I made the thread.
@UN_News_Centre did a podcast episode with him as the guest. You can listen here.
You can follow @PsyOpValkyrie.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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