Let's break down this tweet:

First, Soh throws out anyone who disagrees with her by limiting the conversation to "non-ideological scientists" (i.e only scientists who haven't disagreed with her yet.)

Then says, ok, even then, they haven't agreed with me, BUT THEY WANT TO. https://twitter.com/DrDebraSoh/status/1286834192882556931
If your case is that the science is on your side, but you need to prime the pump *that* much to explain why nobody can actually point to said science — and that, indeed, the majority of available research contradicts the claim — then you're not engaging in good faith.
This is exactly how minority opinions can be made to look on-par with majority opinions in public debate. You muddy and obfuscate to make it look like both sides are equally matched. They're not.
Gender is a social construct. There is no threat to allowing people, including youth, to express the gender identity they want to. This isn't new, nor is it social contagion — diverse genders have existed since time immemorial.
That said, it goes without saying medicine should be (small-c) conservative about how it handles transitioning for youth. But, based on what I've read and trans folks I've spoken to, *it already is.* That debate is happening in the medical world, and it's happening in good faith.
We had this fight over sexuality in the 80s and 90s. Moral panics over teachers turning their students gay were, SURPRISE, unfounded and fundamentally homophobic, no matter how much scientific bafflegab they were cloaked in.
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