Just finished an amazing week on the addiction service @MGH_SUDs. @DrSarahWakeman has built a truly exceptional model of care. A couple of takeaways - my first 🧵
This is real multidisciplinary care: MDs, NPs, RN, SW and #recoverycoach all working through cases together. There’s no ego involved and it allows the patient to connect to any member of the team. @dr_saxelrath was the rockstar fellow I worked with this week.
The patients are SICK! Many with endocarditis, acute liver failure or ESLD. So many complications from IVDU. Obvious that having access to a safe consumption space @SIFMA_NOW would mitigate these bad outcomes.
There was so much homelessness. I felt lucky that #medicalrespite could be a safe discharge plan for many of our folks. @BHCHP. I know this helped us prevent readmissions, decrease the LOS and gave patients a dignified place to get well. @NatlInstMRCare
Another common theme - loss and grief after #Covid_19. Many patients had relapsed due to loneliness or the death of a family member during the pandemic. I think we’re only seeing the beginning of the impact of this virus.
Despite this, patients and the primary teams appreciated our impact. I felt like we really made a difference this week. It’s no surprise this has been backed up by data
All in all it was a fantastic week. I’m so proud of @DrSarahWakeman and can’t wait for my next week on service!
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