Growing up I always wondered why criminals in every culture were glamorized and made to appear godlike (Italian Mafia, Russian Mob, Biker Gangs, Yakuza, Cartel etc.) all whom killed their own or folks that looked like them... but they only coined this race on race phrase for us.
The problem I have with this argument about how “black music is promoting mysoginy, degradation of our women, and violence” is not that it’s’s that:

these aren’t problems exclusive to our community.

these labels are owned, financed and operated by white folks.
47% of people incarcerated are behind bars for drug related offenses. These gangs that exist were not established to do anything but protect and finance their communities. The introduction of drugs and the penalties placed on their sale and use is what led us to where we are now.
This country stands to profit more from legalizing, regulating & taxing all drugs. It’d create more jobs, more income and a reason to release half its incarcerated population that our tax dollars pay for while simultaneously eliminating a criminal elements profit source..BUT THEN
There'd be no slave laborers out there for the prison systems and government to profit off the backs of.

But hey.. idk. The only thing he was right about was the disproportionate ammount of single parent households in our community.
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