See, school is both a pathway to personal and social success, and **one of the major causes of stress**. It's the kids "full time job." We put SO much pressure on kids:
* attendance
* marks + competition
* social expectations
* extracurricular activities

FREQUENTLY, as an expert in emergency child and adolescent psychiatry, I have to use the phrase "School doesn't matter right now (short term), we need to focus on safety, security, and the things that will make you healthy"

That never means I think school is bad or they should never go, and I certainly think that education, social experiences, and adult-guided childhood development are very important.

But it DOES MEAN when safety is on the line, school is less important

If a mother and child are fighting over bedtime, and the fight results in the child locking themselves in the bathroom and ingesting a bunch of Tylenol, guess what instantly doesn't matter all of a sudden? That's right: the frickin' bedtime.

It's not about the bedtime.

It's about safety. Creatively solving things. Ensuring that the kid can handle the stress and the mother can handle the kids stress. Ensuring that safety planning and precautions are in place. THEN: gradual return to school expectations.

I now see this being played out on a world-wide stage with MILLIONS (no joke) of lives on the line.

While there are some kids that flourish because of school structure, there are others that do not. Some kids get into great social structures, others do not. Some kids experience positive role modeling, others are exposed to bigotry, racism, and exclusion.

And from the science end, there is NO convincing evidence that:
* creative non-school based education
* technical skills learning
* home education
* distance education
* hiking-based education

is INFERIOR to school.

In conclusion, if you are media or a politician, please:

1) don't cite science as supporting "schools reopening is best for kids"
2) recognize that saving lives is likely the most trauma-supported thing we can do for kids
3) be creative in supporting learning

4) if you ever use the phrase "but underprivileged kids receive [food, support, etc] at school!!" I want you to take a long hard look at yourself and consider whether or not this might be an opportunity for you to MATERIALLY SUPPORT UNDERPRIVILEGED PEOPLE.

5) pandemics/disasters ALWAYS disproportionately affect marginalized people. To get VERY political: white rich abled kids from loving homes will be FAR more "protected" going to school than kids of color, kids with disability, and kids with neglectful parents.

Now is a world moment to both PROTECT our kids and NOURISH their well-being. there is NO reason to REQUIRE IN SCHOOL EDUCATION to accomplish those things, there are many ways to do it.

So, maybe take a page out of the Dr. Black playbook:

"School doesn't matter right now, we need to focus on safety, security, and the things that will make you healthy"

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