I really think Poker is the hardest game to stream on Twitch.
1) We always have to deal with the delay. It's awful. It kills interaction but if we do no delay streams, and don't show our cards, it takes away us talking strategy in hands and people don't know when to be fully invested, as we can't get overly excited without giving away info.
2) Almost every other game on Twitch, the more you stream, the more revenue you will make. With Poker, where we put up our own money up every day, we can do a 250 hour streaming month and come out the other end worse off. That's extremely tough mentally.
3) We can't just stream for a few hours at a time when we're playing tournaments, I've been trying to organise chess lesson for Pogchamps, and my answer to when I'll be free is "Could be 20 mins, could be 6 hours, I'll let ya know". 1 stream = 1 day gone.
4) How poker works, you will lose hands even when you play perfectly, and that brings out a whole different kind of chat-pro/backseatgamer/captain hindsight (they are all equally insufferable) and it's harder to prove than almost any other game, that you've actually played well.
5) It takes hours and hours (sometimes even days) to get to those super exciting moments (final tables) that you get every 10 to 30 minutes in a Battle Royale or game of Fifa or end game in chess. So keeping the energy up in those quieter times can be super challenging.
6) Lots of countries just won't let us play together. which makes collabs harder than they should be. Also you've got to be 18 which makes it less likely for young kids who have all the time in the world to stream, to pick poker as the directory they will get involved with.
I'm sure I'm missing bits but in saying all that, I actually think it's the greatest game to watch on Twitch. Where else are people putting up their own cash every single day and going to battle? Making decisions that could cost you 10s if not 100s of thousands. It's wild.
The fact that its an 18+ game, lends to more mature communities and I truly believe we have the best ones on Twitch.

I love that I get to do it for a living. I wouldn't swap it for anything. So thanks to all the beautiful fucks for watching and supporting over the years.

If I get paid $1,000 a month by my Sponsor and lose $1,000 playing poker in the month, I'm worse off than the Fifa streamer who gets paid $1,000 a month and doesn't have to risk his income to make his stream possible.
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