note to self: never announce an epic thread, just do it. i kinda regret tweeting this because i accidentally put a lot of pressure on myself (and i tend to struggle with feelings of overwhelm). but anyway here goes, gonna do this the old fashioned way, stream of consciousness
anybody who wants to argue that the videos and testimony are explainable as weather phenomena or some other mundane shit like that have not looked deep enough into the issue and i won't waste my time with that

they are aircraft doing things no known aircraft can do, end of story
one of the journalists on the byline is leslie kean, an investigative journalist who wrote the quintessential mainstream book about UFOs, creatively titled "UFOs"

she is somebody who attempts to carefully bridge the gap between fringe experiences and objective reporting
and while she attempts to be objective in her reporting on this and other out-there topics, she also openly advocates on the UFO/UAP issue, particularly for the US government to take it seriously and undo the stigma it helped create, particularly from the late 60s to the 2010s
i suspect the sources originally brought this story to her (including the videos) because they trusted her to take it seriously, and she brought it to the NYT. they paired her with veteran NYT reporters to help with any legitimacy issues that might emerge from her other writing
so who are the sources? this is where it gets strange

they are members of an organization called To The Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences

leadership includes former intelligence officials, scientists linked to the pentagon, and...tom delonge of blink 182 fame / UFO enthusiast
right from the beginning there have been really confusing details as to how and why the videos were released. in general the narrative is that lue elizondo, a military counter-intelligence operative, was assigned to lead this UFO research program...
...and he quit in protest to speak out about the issue and raise awareness. totally confusing as to why he had access to these videos, and whether they were classified

somewhere along the way TTSA is formed and this leak is basically their first big PR stunt
so wtf is To The Stars

it's a public benefit corporation which has supposedly raised its seed money from the public by selling "shares" (honestly this part is over my head)

they aim to

1. study UFOs and collect data
2. develop technology
3. create media to educate the public
when TTSA first launched it mostly went unnoticed by the wider world, and the coverage that did happen was mostly in geek-y podcasts. usually the tone was incredulousness, and ridicule of their surprisingly low-budget launch video and/or the inexplicable presence of tom delonge
ugh i knew this was gonna turn into an overwhelming series of expositional tweets 🙄
while it was easy to make fun of TTSA and make jokes about blink 182, the list of things that have happened since dec 2017 is pretty wild

- US navy has acknowledged that the UFO videos (and testimony) are valid and of unknown origin, i.e. can't be explained by known phenomena
- bureaucratic changes in the way military UFO sightings are processed and reported up the chain

- private congressional hearings about UFOs

- senate intelligence committee asked DNI for a report about UFOs including an unclassified public version
- public acknowledgement of a continued navy "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force" despite earlier claims about AATIP/AWSAP's lapsed funding and discontinuation

- broad semi-serious reporting about UFOs in the news media for the first time in decades
in the meantime TTSA has also published a bunch of books and produced a history channel show which has a slightly silly tone but is actually a legitimate show unlike its ridiculous history channel brethren (ancient aliens)
there are other databases for UFO sightings like MUFON but this AI will feature:

- state of the art deep fake detection
- "human dynamics" analysis which will analyze behavior in audio/video testimony to basically flag lying (!!!)
- cross-reference with unclassified and classified data sets to study patterns in UFO sightings and rule out other explanations

- eventually, alert app users about real-time UFO sightings to hopefully collect more data from more sources on credible events
and this open-source cloud AI (which was developed by a consultant at price waterhouse cooper) will be made available to research scientists and governments

essentially it's a serious attempt to solve the "data problem" of UFOs
i've always taken TTSA seriously because of the involvement of certain figures, namely

- Chris Mellon, former deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence, essentially a top civilian intelligence bureaucrat inside DoD

and especially

- Steve Justice (i know, what a name), former director of advanced programs for lockheed martin skunk works, the ultra-secretive defense contractor that has historically built the most highly classified aircraft for the US government
the other major figure is Hal Puthoff, a guy who shows up in all the weird stories of government investigation of paranormal phenomena. he was behind the remote viewing programs of the 70s-80s, and recently he was contracted by AATIP to develop theoretical models of how UFOs fly
but hanging out with all these super qualified government guys with security clearances is tom fucking delonge

co-founder of TTSA, executive producer of the show, host of their podcast, and co-author of various books published by TTSA
chris mellon has been making carefully worded statements to media and spelling out the argument that UFOs are not secret US technology and should be treated as a potential threat until we understand them, in case they're a) leapfrog tech from an adversary or b) ya know, aliens...
and meanwhile tom delonge (esp in 2017-2018) was running around talking to joe rogan and others, boosting seemingly outlandish narratives that the US government reverse-engineered alien craft, is sitting on anti-gravity propulsion technology, and has a fleet of manmade UFOs
and simultaneously george knapp and his protege jeremy corbell resurrected the bob lazar story from the 80s, made a netflix documentary about it and really blew up that story within the ancient aliens alternate history universe
as for tom's books, there are two series - one is a jacques vallée-inspired nonfiction series basically spelling out an ancient aliens-adjacent hypothesis, that alien/interdimensional/whatever visitation is the true source of all sorts of mythical and spiritual material
the other series is "Sekret Machines" (yes, with a K 🤪), a fictional series co-written with a novelist which tom claims loosely portrays the secret truth of the issue. i actually read the first two books, still waiting on the third, because i just wanted to know what it said
SPOILERS, if you care


it's a grab-bag of conspiracy theory material: area 51 housing secret US spaceships, US hiding secret nazi UFO science, foreign spies aligned with organized crime aligned with **insectoid aliens**, alien abduction / FAIRIES, etc.
whenever delonge tries to explain how he managed to get involved in all of this, he always mentions conspicuously vague networking. he's always talking about his conversations with various "multi-star generals" and how he has this particular skill set which pulled people together
there's a long history of counter-intelligence operations by the US government to infiltrate the UFO community and make them look ridiculous with forged documents and whatnot, so a lot of UFO people have been suspicious that tom delonge was the latest figure to get tricked
but that never made a lot of sense in this case - why would these people join forces and form this company - and why is everybody else so careful and sincere if the goal was to discredit the UFO issue
what i can't get over, and what made me want to write this thread, is the severe cognitive dissonance between the various branches of the TTSA operation, namely between tom delonge and the more serious folks who have coalesced around him
i think the "serious" folks know a lot more than they're letting on, and they also take seriously certain info that they can't reasonably expect to talk about on CNN, like perhaps the legitimacy of abduction stories
but in public statements and the tv show, they're very invested in disproving the possibility that the US military has this physics-defying propulsion capability seen in UFOs

exactly the opposite of the narrative delonge has pushed forward
a few possibilities:

- every conspiracy theory ever is true and the official folks can't reveal that but they want us to know, with a wink (i seriously doubt this)

- tom believes stuff they know isn't true and they let him talk about it because it generates useful attention
- tom used to believe it and now he knows it's not true, but he knows it's entertaining and attention-grabbing, and he knows it's more tantalizing if people believe that it's true, and one of his many ego-based goals is to create big budget franchise sci-fi entertainment
- for some unknown reason the official folks have to (or feel they have to) tolerate tom, and they know he holds conspiracy beliefs but they weren't expecting him to go on a tour of wild claims, and once he started doing that they reined him in
i guess one more possibility, and the most nuanced one, is that none of them really know what the truth is, and they tolerate tom's public speculation in the hopes that it will move the overton window in the direction of considering "impossible" things
i've tried to nag at chris mellon on twitter to address this cognitive dissonance but of course he ignores me, a random astrology account lol

while i will always be wary of any national security person i do think he's sincere about reforming UFO reporting in the US gov't
while i've been periodically and obsessively digging into this (potentially the most important issue in the world??) i haven't seen a single non-UFO media outlet really report on the intricacies and confusing details of TTSA beyond "LOL tom delonge is working on UFOs WTF?!"
i mean there's been a thing here and there, but usually it's a rival figure in the UFO world trying to prove that they are sketchy based on a technicality

but the mainstream reporting always avoids mentioning the cognitive dissonance i pointed out
while i can't explain tom's involvement, i personally think this operation is an authentic UFO disclosure lobbying/advocacy group which is backed by certain powerful silent higher-ups in the military/intelligence hierarchy
why now? my personal speculative pet theory is that

1. UFO sightings are real, and they are extra-terrestrial or interdimensional in origin

2. top military/intelligence brass sincerely don't know if there's an ultra secret program which has reverse engineered UFO propulsion
3. these same military/intel figures are worried that *if we do* we have this technology in some hyper-compartmentalized secret program, it may have been stolen and used by russia/china, effectively making our entire military leadership look like total idiots
4. even if we don't have this super futuristic propulsion in our hands, an objective reading of the UFO phenomenon suggests that an unknown intelligence has been strategically monitoring and mapping our military capabilities since at least the 40s, which is, uh, wild
5. congressional politics is a complete and total mess, and the white house is a clusterfuck, so getting the attention of anybody important and powerful and democratically empowered to do anything is essentially impossible without public pressure
6. i think it's basically established fact at this point that the president is a) to some degree a traitor, b) to a large degree owned and exploited to organized crime, and c) to an absolute degree incompetent and deranged... while they're staring down this urgent national security question mark they're also dealing with a big gaping hole in the executive branch possibly compromised by russia or israel or a newly empowered global hyper-mafia, and the only leverage was public leaking
so i think there are probably various big-picture national security motivations which intersect with more mundane explanations, like sincere curiosity and a desire to streamline UFO reporting for both scientific and military purposes
and that stuff also intersects with a broader global movement to de-stigmatize the UFO issue, with smaller acts of disclosure emerging from every major military power other than the US in the past two decades
i don't think the US government is gonna suddenly tell us the truth about all this, and i think it's totally possible that the US government still has no idea *who* are operating UFOs

or maybe it's just that MOST of the govt doesn't know and a critical mass are fed up
either way i wouldn't EVER expect some clean truthful mega disclosure about UFOs, because the quest for military dominance inherently intersects with the issue, and that's never going to go away
in that sense i think the only possible rationale for total disclosure would be some infallible global agreement overseen by an empowered governing body, like an arms treaty -or- all out war with aliens, lol
and i'll just say, the apparent breakout of all-out war with aliens is literally the only thing that would ever make me become a full-fledged false flag NWO conspiracy theorist 😂😂😂😂
on that ridiculous note, i will conclude my 🔥 epic thread 🔥 about UFOs/To The Stars

(amazingly i think i wrote this whole thread while scorpio was rising, haha)

thanks for reading
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