There is zero repercussions for any business that’s not following the guidelines or the mask mandate so in my opinion until something drastic happens we will not be rid of this.
It sucks for all the businesses following the rules that they get punished for the sins of others
If we go into another lock down the city and county will need to start pulling liquor licenses for any bar or restaurant that openly flaunts that they are not following the rules.
Good people trying to do the right thing will lose their businesses because selfish people will only do whats best for them and not care about how it effects anyone else.
I do not know what to tell anyone except that this whole situation sucks for almost all of us. And I know these are desperate times for some folks but the longer we all row in different directions the longer it will take to get back to normal.
To all the good folks doing the right things Thank you! But to all the other folks doing the Me Me Me thing you don’t get it and you probably never will.
Godspeed to all of us
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