$PIE DefiPie

*Native PIE token.

*Lending: automated + P2P marketplace.

*Liquidity pools.

*User-created pools.

*PoS staking.

Native $PIE token

Users can farm PIE by locking up value on DeFiPie, so it's yet another passive income tool. But people also need PIE to access the advanced features, such as custom pools and P2P lending.

Lending: automated + P2P marketplace. $PIE

Users can choose between lending their crypto at the algorithmically determined interest rate or publish their loan offer on the marketplace at their own terms. The second option is riskier, but users can earn a higher rate.

Liquidity pools. $PIE

The liquidity goes towards decentralized trading, and pool members earn a share in the trading fees.

User-created pools. $PIE

DeFiPie users can start their own lending and liquidity pools, deciding on the interest rates, collateral etc.

PoS staking. $PIE

People will be able to stake Tezos, Cosmos, Celo, Kusama, Polkadot and other popular PoS coins that have strong use cases.

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