CW: Transphobia

My thread about transpobia in the Green Party. I wanted to do this as I have called many people out over the last week, and have received some backlash because of it. So I wanted to make a long thread that is more detailed for more context. 1/
I am very pleased by both Rosi and Sian's responses to the issue of transphobia within the party. However, please correct me if I wrong, but I do believe that they may have missed why the membership is calling transphobia out within the party and is angry about this issue. 2/
We are a party that prides ourself for being inclusive, progressive and stands up for rights. However, this is hard to market to people within the party, let alone outside of it to voters, if we have allowed transphobic individuals to have power within the party or hold 3/
elected office in the party's name.

How can we be say we are inclusive, progressive or stand up for rights if we allow transphobia in the party to slide? How can we say we are inclusive, progressive or stand up for rights if we allow people in the party to question trans 4/
people's existence or not stand up for their rights? How can we say we are inclusive, progressive or stand up for people's rights if we allow transphobia and transphobic people to be platformed within the party or run for elected office in the parties name? The simple answer 5/
is that we can't. If we want our trans members and the trans community as a whole to trust us, vote for us and join us, then, to quote Rosi, we need to be serious about inclusion. We cannot go on with statements about how we support trans people and to point to our policies, 6/
saying how great they are, if we still allow transphobia and transphobic views to be platformed within the party. I want us to be a party that takes transphobia seriously, I want us to be a party that is not afraid to call out bigotry, transphobia or any other type of 7/
discrimination. I want us to be a party that the trans community knows we are there to support them, that a vote for the Green Party means a vote for their rights.

I haven't heard of a single person be thrown out of the party or asked to leave their role due to transphobia. 8/
If we want to be seen as a party that takes transphobia seriously, then we need to start taking action against it. I have heard that the complaints process within the party is not very good and needs overhauling, and if this is the case, then it needs to be overhauled. 9/
We cannot allow our trans members and members of the trans community to feel that the Green Party is not a safe place for them. We must be serious about transphobia. We must do better. 10/10

(excuse my SPaG, I had to redo this thread after accidentally deleting the draft 😂)
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