Donate NOW to #JeremysLegalFund and like these enlightened people, you too can put Mossad, the racist ideology that is Zionism and Israeli agents inside @UKLabour back in their box. Join the war against the #JewsErmZionists and give generously.
Because I’m sure @gofundme really welcome a bit of racism and antisemitism on their timeline. I’ve never found it hurt me!
Also, down with Keith!
The Tories are responsible for an increase in antisemitism and Jews who call out @UKLabour antisemitism are the true antisemites. Oh, well said Rajan!
If we can’t reverse the smears against me then we’ll jolly well have to do it “violently”. That’s exactly the right public call on a @gofundme thread, Jeff! Well done.
Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do...weren’t the #JewsErmZionists content with the first JC? They’re insatiable!
I absolutely cannot be bought! Except by the gay-hanging theocrats for another £20k (ker-ching!) plus will take overly-generous expenses for wreath-laying expeditions. Currently available for Russia Today, weddings & parties. Bar-mitzvahs extra.
You can follow @CorbynSnap.
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