Long thread worth reading.
Taimur Lang responsible for one of the single largest genocides in the world. The way he was chased out of India,No Invader dared to attack next 150years The heroes who beat Taimur Lang were Army led by VEER GURJAR JOGRAJ SINGH PAWAR & RAMPYARI GURJAR
It's unique for 2reasons.
Firstly all Indian castes & communities united to form a Private Army to defeat large forces of barbarian invaders. Nextly for first time in recorded history all Female Regiment of 40,000 women was Formed & Commanded by Gurjari Rampyari Chauhan fought
war and had uniquely emerged victorious Taimur Lang in 1398 AD invaded Bharatha.He made it to Delhi,started to commit mass genocide,daily killing more than 100000+captives. So a voluntary army was raised Jograj Singh Pawar was chosen Supreme Commander General army.
Rampyari Gurjar was chosen to lead the regiment of the 40,000 Strong Women Army.The troops spreaded out to Delhi, Meerut,Haridwar,Muzzafarnagar,& Saharanpur who fought with the armies of Taimur using Guerilla warfare.
The women wing of army poisoned the waters on way to Hardwar
which killed the Taimur’s soldiers who drank it.
Three heroic battles took place simultaneously.
Taimur’s forces were looting Delhi, 20,000 warriors of Jograj Singh’s army made a surprise attack on Taimurs forces in the night &killed 9,000. As it dawned the
soldiers returned outside the city walls. Continued 3days.Taimur was upset he advanced toward Meerut with his powerful army & large stocks of weaponry to destroy these warriors.
Taimur’s army was attacked heavily and not given space to breathe.The battles
continued throughout every day. WhereTaimur's Army would stop for night, Jograj Singh’s army would attack and uproot them.The heroic Devis led by Rampyari handled supplies,deliver food &war material to their soldiers. They would also attack and loot the supplies of the enemy.
Gurjar women made sure that supplies were not reaching the army of Taimur to leave'em hungry.Frustrated Taimur advanced to Haridwar to crush attacking Indian forces.
Here Taimur met with resistance and tack from Gurjar forces. At Jwalapur 3major battles.
were fought to stop Taimure from reaching the holy land of Haridwar.
Harbir Singh Gulia, along with 25,000 warriors,made a fierce attack on Taimur’s horsemen.Taimur was protected by large force of his very best warriors and horsemen.Harbir Singh Gulia broke through & hit Taimur
on his chest with a spear, grieviously wounding him &Taimur almost fell off under his own horse, his army’s commander Khijra,saved him.Harbir Singh was attacked severely wounded he fell unconcious in battle field. Upon hearing this Jograj Singh rushed to the scene and rescued
unconscious Harbir Singh.However a few hours later,he achieved martyrdom. Soon in the Jungles of Haridwar,his guards were attacked by Dhula Dhardi with a small force of 190 soldiers.They managed to kill large number of the guards but all these valiant soldiers achieved martyrdom
In the third battle, Taimur made a final attempt to attack & destroy Haridwar but Jograj Singh and Rampyari,their heroic warriors bravely defended the pilgrimage place by fiercely attacking army of Taimur.Their strength shocked & scared the barbarians,they fled the battleground
The final & fiercest battle, Commander Jograj Singh Pawar said to have suffered 45 wounds but he kept his senses to motivate his forces.They did not allow Taimur’s army to touch the banks of the holy Ganga. Taimur’s decimated, defeated fled away. Ferocious Heroes Indeed.
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