Apropos of absolutely nothing, here’s a thread on the mid-Covid-19 transfer window and what might happen based on research or conversations - not necessarily at the top end of the football market, but throughout the game. Disclaimer: I’m merely hypothesising.
1. Price of players to drop by 20-30%? (cited as such by industry experts) More interest in 'frees' & cheaper contractually vulnerable players. More loans. But, also, out of contract players may be hit most, esp’ in lower leagues. Salary expectations will need to change massively
2. Delay in UCL/EL being completed, seasons and contracts being staggered will delay moves at football's top tables. That will ripple down. That player your club want so badly… he might be delayed others wait for this trickle down. More so than previously
3. Reports suggest well-run clubs in the PL expect to record big losses (some claim up to £40m). Even if this is exaggerated, there is still the ‘fear of…’ factor. Could impact hugely on recruitment. May lead to smaller squads; ironic when leagues are invited to extend benches
4. Domestic pursuits more likely? Airspace/borders restricted for months. Yes, can be done via VT, but the ‘human’ pursuit makes a difference. Long-standing, ongoing pursuits may be ok…but you cannot sell a club or project to a player as easily via Zoom.
5. Overseas scouting: Many spend 12-20 days of travel per month. Hindered by travel restrictions & remuneration. Will TV scouting eventually see-off human scouting? Fine for stats…but what about character profiling, a key element of recruitment? Prone to even more trial/error
6. BCD matches create a false perspective of players and teams. Some players haven’t performed well without crowds, or in lower intensity, or with fewer duels, or with less ‘edge’ to games. Or vice versa. All analysis since April may be skewed.
7. C19 2nd/3rd wave concerns. Now there's more intel on C19, surely few will gamble financially. Safety first may prevail, surely? If seasons curtailed again, it will impact on TV revenue - financially, that could be huge. Likewise footfall at lower league clubs could be hit.
8. Potential get-outs should season(s) become incomplete. Players & clubs to seek protection? Broadcasters too. Will a player retention-culture become more prevalent? All of this may stunt player movement. Risk of significant player unemployment at lower level if clubs go under.
9. PR issue. Furloughing of staff, huge number of deaths, global economies tanking. Football may carry on with brash resolve, but will *surely* react to this? May be some element of ‘reset’ or humility. Maybe even steps towards wage capping.
10. C-19 will keep weaving uncertainty in footballing territories where huge money is exchanged. While it does, the movement of players & £ spent could be hit. Expect budgets to be hugely reduced beyond the big guns.

This transfer window unlikely to be like 2019, or any before
Like I said, all hypothesis on my part based on own research and conversations with those involved in that side of sport.

If one good thing comes out of this transfer period, hopefully we see the back of the crass SSN calculator that 'lauds' the amount of spending by clubs.
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