Okay I feel I need to speak out on behalf of deaf community, as a deaf person with cochlear implants. I do worry about others facing discrimination in England when it has made mask mandatory today.

There will be many barriers for deaf people, and some will may be more anxious.
To help them to feel less stress and anxious, when it come to communication with your mask on.

1. Be sure to wear clear mask
2. Remove mask if they request you for lip reading.
3. Use phone to communicate such as ‘Live Transcribe’ app
4. Try to pick up some basic signs.
5. Try and be patient even if they take time to analyse this conversation.
6. Some deaf people may not understand English texts well, try to show some gestures even if you already know some signs (BSL)

If you do use them, it would make such a big difference for deaf people! 😄
You can follow @hatillustration.
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