Anyone else uncomfortable with this headline (and the subhead)?

'Accuses' suggests that there may be some doubt about the veracity of the incident. This suggestion is re-affirmed in the sub head which contends the misogynistic Republican Rep 'neither confirmed nor denied'.
The incident took place in public and has been independently confirmed by media. There is no doubt about the incident or the male privilege culture which exists. (To the Irish Times credit they catalogue many examples of the verbal abuse which female politicians face.)
Also, in her response, AOC highlighted the impact upon all women and did not seek to make it about her as an individual. She did not claim a personal offense and in fact articulated how she has learned to deal with this abuse like many women do.
Just as not being racist is insufficient, we need to be anti-racist. Not being misogynistic is not enough. We have to call out misogyny and make it socially unacceptable.
Perhaps I don't understand the subtle art of Headline writing. But would have thought 'AOC condemns culture of misogyny' would have been a more accurate representation of the article/incident.
Finally if you have gotten this far, I would encourage you to get your sons and daughters to watch AOC's powerful, respectful and articulate words. She is enhanced by the dignity of her response. Rep Yaho is diminished by his actions and his pathetic attempts to justify them.
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