How To Overcome Procrastination & Start Living Healthy.

Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing something.

Many people want to start losing weight or living healthy but they always say “they will start one day”.


In healthy living starting and staying consistent are the two hardest decisions that people have to make.

The main reason people procrastinate starting to lose weight or taking care of their health is that healthy living is important but it is not urgent.

The results of our healthy living or weight gain happens subtly, one day at a time.

Normally the changes which happen daily are so small and insignificant to the naked eye.

When we see the results it is too late.

How To Overcome Procrastination?

1. Start With Why.

Identifying a strong ‘why’ will help you to make a firm decision to start.

Until you have identified your health as important, it will remain an afterthought.

2. Get A Game Plan.

Once you have identified your health as a priority put it in your diary or schedule.

It is very hard to procrastinate when you know exactly what you are going to do tomorrow.

The cliché is true, “if you fail to plan then you are planning to fail”

3. Build Habits And Routines.

The fastest way to change your life is by transforming your plan and goals into daily actions and habits.

When you build habits and daily routines you will start taking a step towards your goals daily.

The size of big goals makes people procrastinate.

However, identifying small habits such as eating healthy, working out, drinking water, and avoiding processed sugar and foods makes it easier to start.

Choose one habit, and start.

The habit may be as small as drinking 2 liters of water daily.

Work on this habit for at least a month.

Add other health habits as you progress and you will be on your way to overcoming procrastination!

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