I’m angry. Angry at how our government isn’t taking Covid-19 as serious as it should be.

I’m angry at the fact that healthcare workers have to LITERALLY gown up from head to toe EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. their Covid positive patient calls for something -
Whether it be meds, bathroom, their food tray, or even water. They constantly gown in and out.. for one of their patients, when they have two other patients (most likely Covid positive as well) to take care of.
I’m angry that healthcare workers are running out of PPE. That we have to RECYCLE N95 MASKS TO KEEP US SAFE. RECYCLE. MASKS.
I’m angry that while all of THIS is happening in the healthcare field.. that there are people out there REFUSING TO WEAR A GOD DAMN MASK.
Jesus fucking Christ. This is infuriating. How selfish can everyone be to think of themselves that they “can’t breathe” when we have to literally make ends meet to take care of patients.
We’re the so called “heroes” yet we aren’t given the right tools to do our basic fucking jobs to TAKE CARE OF PEOPLE.
On top of that, where’s our hazard pay? We come in to work everyday to do our jobs, risking our lives.. yet we are still being treated like shit.
I’m angry. I’m fucking angry.
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