From 🏂 to 🎮?

Not many athletes go from the slopes to the screen. But most haven't had the story @GrandPOOBear has.

It wasn't a simple switch for the renowned speedrunner. There's a lot you probs don't know about why one day he was shredding and the next... just surviving
The winter sportsman was formerly known as David Hunt, but we prefer to know him as the one and only @GrandPOOBear (it's easier to not mistype! 🤦)

He began snowboarding the ski fields of Heavenly Mountain Resort. Why? Because he was in awe of a boarder his older sis dated! 😂
Making a name (and not a fool) of himself at big-time events around town, David started the snow day like any other. But with a crash and a smash from a skier flying by, he found himself rushed to hospital with his life on the line.
Broken bones, torn tendons and spleen swelling: David's snow career was likely over. But still he had rehab to get through. Enter rehab survival:🕹️ 🎮

And thus @GrandPOOBear found his humble beginnings
After enduring the pain of watching mates play Halo at a snail's pace, POO Bear kicked off his Twitch account. With little viewership early on, there was still fun to be had. POO Bear uploaded a Super Mario Bros 3 speedrun with the goal of "not be last on the leaderboards"
[WARNING: some classic @GrandPOOBear crudeness in the vid 😮)
You might know the story from then on (it's history, right?)

POO Bear has built himself back up to become one of the world's top spreedrunners, as well as a eSports favourite.
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