okay, in honor of the ten year anniversary of one direction becoming a band, here is the long awaited chart analyses of one L*uis William T*mlinson !!!!! Buckle up, this one's a doozy. (tw for mentions of parent death, disordered eating, and abusive relationships)
Here is baby boy's chart!!!! As you can see, he is a Capricorn sun, Gemini Rising, and Leo moon!!! (incidentally, I am a capricorn sun, leo rising, gemini moon....) Other personal planets of his are: venus in scorpio, mars and mercury in sag! Let's get into it.
Basically, anyone who "knows" louis or is familiar with his antics can immediately see how his Gemini rising was extremely apparent in the way he goofed around and was always the one instigating different antics, etc. This is also his mars and mercury in sagittarius (jokester)
His extremely boisterous and goofy "outer self" aka asc, is directly in opposition to his EXTREMELY deep and intense inner self, which can be seen in his ascendant opposite his Pluto and Venus in Scorpio. As if having Venus in Scorpio wasn't intense ENOUGH--
this boy has said venus directly on top of his Pluto, which is the planet that RULES scorpio. Pluto is a planet that is all about power, control, intensity, death, rebirth, obsession, and trauma. Having Venus (planet of love and relationships) conjunct Pluto is therefore... a lot
These two planets are also in his sixth house (which rules work, routines, health, pets, and service. Having pluto in this house shows both where he has the potential for the most power, as well as where he struggles the most when in a bad place.
As such, we can see that while he enjoys being of service, and LOVES to work (sometimes maybe too much) he HATES being subservient or controlled in those same arenas. His move to a new label now will be very important to him as he will chafe under any kind of "control" at work
His Pluto conjunct his venus here is a bit of a relief since Venus softens Pluto's specter of death a little bit. Since the sixth house rules health, Pluto is usually a sign of potential health problems related to "festering" or sepsis. However, Venus placed here is a good sign
The only potential negative with this placement is that if he does suffer heartbreak-- ESPECIALLY if it involves a breach of trust-- he will turn to obsessive or controlling patterns in his own life. This could potentially manifest as an eating disorder or obsessive working out
The flip side of Pluto in this house is that when he is going through something emotionally, his efforts in this house will be thwarted. He will likely get messier as he gets moodier, and his normal routines will fall to the wayside in the interest of brooding and ruminating
Pluto is where we often store our generational trauma in our charts, and in Louis' case, his Pluto is also square his Moon in Leo. A moon-pluto aspect (which I also have) can indicate a relationship with your mother that is incredibly intense.
In Louis' case, he was the oldest son and his mother's self-professed "best friend" --which can be a hard role for a child to fill. It's likely that he felt the need to take care of his mother a lot (even before she got sick), and that he bore the emotional brunt of adult issues
from the time he was very young. This creates a person who has incredible depths, someone who has a propensity to get lost in their own ocean of feelings at times, which can at times lead to depression or a retreat from the world. For Louis, this is made even more intense by--
his moon placement. His moon is in his fourth house, which is traditionally the house of the mother, the home, the hearth, everything that gives you comfort. To have his moon in this house gives his moon an extra boost. We all knew he was a momma's boy, but this is like--
the equivalent of being born to love your mother. It's as though she gave him the her own heart and put it in his chest. His moon is in Leo too, so he is lion-hearted, proud, and HUGE hearted. Leo moons are the siblings who would go to bat for you no matter what.
His Leo moon is the warmth that shows through in everything he does. Since his moon is also square venus (conjunct w his pluto), it might feel like he can never get enough love. He will be forever searching to fill what feels like a yawning hole in his heart with love
His instinct to be in a relationship is INCREDIBLY strong. His pluto-venus makes love feel like something out of a movie-- fated, life-or-death, high-stakes, almost obsessive love. This can especially be unhealthy if he does not iron out his own emotional (moon/mom) issues
His need for complete devotion in relationships will also be compounded by his scorpio venus (jealous, scared of rejection, starved for intimacy) as well as his Leo moon (prideful, fixed sign, hard to admit you're wrong). He will need to learn how to give space and time to others
Someone who is distant or wishy-washy will be his biggest turn-off, as he will need someone to re-assure him of their love and bond daily. He might have issues with codependency, which would also be amplified by his own Capricorn sun in his eighth house.
The eighth house is another doozy!!! The eighth house rules taxes, death, the occult, the soul, and "love making" (as opposed to hooking up casually). This is where his brightest light shines from in his chart, and it is where much of his identity lives. This is a plutonian house
which further underscores his natural intensity (sorry i keep using that word-- it just is the most apt I can think of!). The eighth house is also an extremely private position, since the house also deals with all things secret. Louis prefers to keep himself to himself--
--even with a Leo moon, his sun in the eighth and his venus in scorpio show that there is not much he values more than Trust and privacy. This sun position also tells us what we already know-- that he did not have his dad around for his childhood
father figures in general will be a sore spot for him, since they have left him so many times (this is often felt as a metaphorical, if not literal, "death"). People with 8th house suns can be melancholic and prone to moody spells.
This melancholy can often stem from experiencing death in your life, which we know Louis already has, unfortunately. His relationship with death and the afterlife will forever be tied to who he is and how he experiences his own identity and life.
One other (less heavy) aspect about this sun placement is that this house also rules intense sexuality (lol). Louis does not come across as overtly sexual as ...... say......... some Other people in the band....... ahem. But that will be due to the previously mentioned privacy
people he truly lets in will be few and far between, but when he really trusts you.....WHEW............ definitely a lot there. It's hard to narrow down the vibes, because he also has a sag mars (which is also square his jupiter).
Jupiter squaring his mars amplifies the physicality and boisterousness of sag mars, and I'm betting with his sag mars and all his 9th house placements he would be Very into "foreign" or "different" things he's never done before.
He will be someone who always wants to experiment or try something new (especially with that gemini rising-- he always needs to be entertained). He will likely turn to s*x for an outlet for his physical frustrations and emotional turmoil.
I mean not to be like this but uh......... he literally made a baby when he was in his post-breakup spiral so like......... lol........... that's what we're dealing with.
Speaking of babies, he will likely be a great dad, but one who struggles with strictness a bit. He has saturn in his 10th house, which can lead to an over-enforcement of rules by the patriarch and very high standards.
His 10th house saturn is just another echo of the earlier mentioned need for privacy. His public life and career (10th house) will be sources of stress for him, and he will likely be extremely hard on himself and easily embarrassed by his own public image (which tracks)
Also-- before any tinhat stans come on this thread let me put it to rest: Harry's placements are almost all in Aquarius and Libra, which fall in Louis' 6th, 10th, and 11th houses. In synastry, this basically means that Louis will see harry as a public work associate and friend
Niall, on the other hand, has all kinds of good synastry with Louis (lololllll). Niall also has a Leo moon, so Louis and Niall will likely always have an understanding on a heart level with each other that makes it easy for them to communicate in a way that feels like home
the real synastry whopper with louis is zayn. (i mean #bus1 ... you had to be expecting it lmao).... as we know they are both capricorns. Zayn's moon is in Virgo, which lands in Louis' fifth house, right by his Jupiter. This shows me that Louis not only supported Zayn's--
--emotions, but he encouraged him to be open and talk about things with him. Zayn's venus is in Pisces, which lands in Louis' house of friendships. There's every indication that they were extremely close, even with Zayn's Mars (r) in opposition to both of their cap placements
The loss of trust for Louis, though, would have been absolutely inexcusable, and we can see in their later tense interactions how little patience or forgiveness Louis had when the wounds were still raw. His no-nonsense cap planets combined with his many scorpio energies....oof.
On that note, he is absolutely someone I would want on my side in a fight. Loyalty and pride is of utmost importance to him, and he would never back down. His patience might be short (his mars is in a fire sign and he's a gemini rising), but his memory is long.
The conjunction between his mars and his mercury in sagittarius is also exactly why you want him on your side. His tongue is not only sharp, but he will immediately clown you so hard you won't know whether to laugh or cry lmao. He will also make jokes & rely on humor often (duh)
That being said, Louis does have said mars in his seventh house of partnerships. So he will likely also be unnecessarily argumentative in relationships, to the point where you don't know whether he is teasing you or purposefully trying to goad you into a fight.
If he finds himself in a relationship with someone who is too acquiescent or submissive, he would get too easily bored. It is for this reason that he (either to his benefit or his detriment) is attracted to strong people who do not back down from a fight.
This likely will lead to him seeking out partnerships that challenge him and make him angry, because he might mistake anger for passion. However, since there are no real detrimental aspects to mars in this position, I would say that it is highly unlikely he would actually
turn his anger toward his partner in a harmful way. He still might lean towards toxic relationships (especially if he has not worked out his Pluto trauma). Even though he's a serial monogamist, I see him having trouble finding someone to truly settle down with for a long time
This might be affected by his many moves (his moon in the fourth house shows his home life changing in cycles - like the moon). His pets though will always be touchstones for him. Venus in the sixth makes sure of that :)
Anyways, I love this boy so so much and even though his chart can really show us his depths and darkness, his HUGE heart and big brightness definitely shine all the brighter. <3
If you have any specific questions or want me to talk about any placements/aspects I skipped over pls feel free to ask!!! thanks for reading if you got all the way here to the end!!!!!!! we did it. we made it. haha
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